A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

LeitmotivArts is thrilled to announce the release of the debut EP DREAMER from Aleksandra Denda available worldwide on March 17th 2016.

Two years after having her single "In the Dark" selected as The Song Of The Day on Jon Oliver's The Main Ingredient Radio, Aleksandra releases her debut EP. DREAMER - wonderful patchwork of acoustic and electronic elements, intertwining Neo Soul, Jazz, World Music and Electronica into Aleksandra's own ethereal sonic canvas.

The Serb National Federation, the Embassy of Serbia in Washington, D.C. & Center for Russian and East European Studies at the University of Pittsburgh are sponsoring a Serbian Movie Festival at the University of Pittsburgh from Friday March 18 to Sunday March 20, 2016 at the University of Pittsburgh in the David Lawrence Hall.

Два дана после запажених ревија у Њујорку, синоћ је за наше дизајнере приређен пријем у генералном конзулату Србије у овом граду, уз изложбу њихових креација. Утисци се и даље слежу и неки од њих још нису свесни да им се пружила прилика о којој су сањали – да се представе у Великој јабуци, једној од четири светске модне престонице.

– Teк сад ми полако прилази свести да сам имала ревију на Њујоршкој недељи моде. Велика је ствар то што смо нас троје овде направили своје конкретне модне кораке. Међу гостима је било доста личности из света који су повезани са јавним личностима, као и људи из света бизниса са којима је могуће остварити сарадњу. Било је пуно заинтересованих за поједине комаде из моје колекције и с њима сам договарала сарадњу око продаје – рекла је за „Политику” Марина Мићановић.

Vladimir Kulenovic, music director of the north suburban Lake Forest Symphony, is at once selfish and selfless, useful qualities for a bright, ambitious, young musician out to make a name for himself in the fast track of symphonic conducting.

Selfish, because the Belgrade, Serbia-born American conductor's career ambitions are, by his own admission, limitless. Now in his second year with the Lake Forest professional orchestra, Kulenovic, who is 35 and lives in Evanston, has energized the ensemble and its audience. The Solti Foundation U.S. has taken notice. Having already awarded him career-assistance grants in 2012 and 2013, the foundation, which supports young conductors of exceptional promise, honored him a third time by naming him its $25,000 Solti Conducting Fellow for 2015, a prestigious honor indeed.

@Café Pink House in Saratoga, CA, February 17, Wednesday

An interesting diverse program of American Standard Classics (Gershwin, Ellington, Porter), Jazz styles of various eras, World Music – Balkan/Gypsy – Roma, Latin/Brazilian/Tango Jazz & Classical Music influences.

Pianist Larry Vuckovich came to San Francisco in 1951 as a teenager from Montenegro – former Yugoslavia. He was fortunate to experience the heyday of jazz of which the '50s decade had some of the richest and most diverse developments happening. He heard such great big bands as Harry James, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Woody Herman as well as small groups as Miles Davis, MJQ, Bill Evans, Red Garland, Sonny Rollins, just to name a few. He brings to the solo piano format all the impressions he absorbed from that period and more which developed later throughout his performances with the masters Mel Torme, Jon Hendricks, Dexter Gordon, Philly Joe Jones, Bobby Hutcherson, Charlie Haden, Charles McPherson, Tom Harrell & more. He was fortunate to study classical piano at SF State with the noted Russian classical master pianist Vladimir Brenner. Larry Vuckovich is recognized for his piano touch where he incorporates some European classical themes fused with jazz. Larry is also recognized as a pioneer in the U.S. for combining the Balkan Folk influences with Jazz which is found on his landmark recording "Blue Balkan" featuring Bobby Hutcherson. We hope you will join us for a unique solo piano presentation.

Please join the Njegos Endowment for Serbian Language and Culture at Columbia University's East Central European Center and the Harriman Institute for a screening of the film Enclave (2015) followed by a Q&A with director Goran Radovanović.

Synopsis: A Christian boy, determined to create a proper community burial for his late grandfather, crosses enemy lines and makes friends among the Muslim majority in deeply divided, war-torn Kosovo. Focused on a tiny Serb community living in a UN-protected enclave in Muslim Kosovo, Enclavelooks at the legacy of ethnic cleansing and internecine conflict through the eyes of a small boy, Nenad. Every day Nenad is taken to school from his father’s farm in a KFOR armored car to study alone in a school with no other pupils. Like any other boy of his age, all Nenad wants are some friends his own age. Each day, through narrow observation slits in the military vehicle he sees two Albanian boys and a shepherd boy – who has lost his father in the war and hates Serbs.

Please join the Harriman Institute and the Njegos Endowment for Serbian Studies for a talk with Dr. Krinka Vidaković-Petrov, diplomat, translator, journalist, and Senior Fellow at the Institute of Literature and Arts in Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Krinka Vidaković-Petrov is a scholar, professor, diplomat, translator and journalist. She holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature. Currently she is Senior Fellow (Full Professor) affiliated with the Institute of Literature and Arts in Belgrade, Serbia. Her fields of interest are comparative literature and folklore, Hispanic and Jewish Studies, Balkan and Serbian Studies, emigrant culture, Holocaust studies, literary translation, international relations.

The Nikola Tesla Educational Corporation (NTEC) has started an initiative to rename the upper portion of "Burlington Street", in Hamilton, Ontario, to "Nikola Tesla Boulevard". Tesla was a genius who changed the world, and influenced the industrialization of Hamilton a century ago, specifically around Burlington Street. On October 14th, 2015 The Hamilton City Council approved the proposal of the name change under the condition that NTEC raises up to $150,000 to cover the costs of signage.



People Directory

John Miljan

John Miljan (Serbian: Јован Миљановић; November 9, 1892 – January 24, 1960) was an American actor of Serbian origin. He appeared in 201 films between 1924 and 1958. He was the tall, smooth-talking villain in Hollywood films for almost four decades, beginning in 1923. He made his first talking debut in 1927 in the promotional trailer for The Jazz Musician inviting audiences to see the upcoming landmark film. In later years he played imposing, authoritative parts such as high-ranking executives and military officers. He is best remembered as General Custer in Cecil B. De Mille's epic The Plainsman.

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Савремени еклисиолошки подсетник о Дијаспори

Историја и анализа тзв. „Америчког раскола“ (1963-1992) и предлози за његово превазилажење

Епископ Атанасије (Јевтић)

У издању Севастијан преса из Лос Анђелеса и Братства Св. Симона Мироточивог из Врњачке Бање, недавно је изашла нова књига Атанасија (Јевтића), умировљеног Владике херцеговачког, Савремени еклисиолошки подсетник о Дијаспори - Историја и анализа тзв. „Америчког раскола“ (1963-1992) и предлози за његово превазилажење.

Текст ове књиге је написан сада већ далеке 1990.године, и до данас био необјављен будући да је само за Синодске Оце Архијереје био намењен ради превазилажења тзв. „Америчког раскола“. Данас, када је тај српски раскол литургијски и административно превазиђен, сасвим је разумљиво и пожељно било да се овај текст предочи јавности.

На молбу Светог Архијерејског Синода, ондашњи јеромонах Атанасије је сва питања везана за болни раскол у српској дијаспори ставио под светлост православне Еклисиологије и Предања, што је био једини начин за њихово суочавање како би се дошло што ближе до зацељивања раскола. Читалац ће приметити како је он савесно и непристрасно проанализирао цело питање раскола и дао целисходне икономијске предлоге за његово решење. Ова књига је резултат његовог савесног христољубивог и црквољубивог рада.

Конкретан резултат Атанасијевог еклисиолошког предлога била је обнова евхаристијског општења и помирења које је постигнуто на празник Сретења Господњег, 15. фебруара 1992. године у Саборној Цркви у Београду, када су Српски Патријарх Павле и чланови Светог Архијерејског Сабора служили са Митрополитом Иринејем (Ковачевићем), дотадашњим епископом у расколу. Коначно, 21. маја 2009. године, Свети Архијерејски Сабор је донео одлуку и о коначном административном јединству Српске Цркве у Северној и Јужној Америци.

Истовремено, ова књига осветљава битно питање Дијаспоре. Дијаспора је пред Православну Цркву поставила два битна проблема: питање провере исправности нашег схватања Цркве, оног које се у последњим вековима код многих од нас усталило, и питање мисије Цркве у свету.

Књига је изашла са благословом Епископа новограчаничког и средњезападноамеричког Лонгина и Епископа западноамеричког Максима.

Књигу можете наручити по цени од $15 код:
Western American Diocese
1621 West Garvey Avenue Alhambra CA, 91803
847 571-3600, 626 289 9061, 626 284 1484 (fax), Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Visit our online store at http://westsrbdio.org/en/sebastian-press/sebastian-press-publications

Contemporary Ecclesiological Reminderon the Diaspora:
History and analysis of so called “American schism” (1963-1992) and recommendations for its overcoming

by Bishop Athanasius (Yevtich)

Recently, a new book by Athanasius (Yevtich), retired Bishop of Herzegovina, was published in Serbian by Sebastian Press of Los Angeles in cooperation with St. Simeon the Myrrh-streaming of Vrnjacka Banja.

This book was written in a now already distant year of 1990. This is its first publishing since the original intent was to have it available only for the hierarchs of the Holy Synod for the purpose of overcoming the so-called “American schism” within the Serbian diaspora. Presently, as the Serbian schism has been liturgically and administratively vanquished, it is understandable and desirable to have this valuable research available to the public.

At the request of the Holy Synod, back then hieromonk Atanasije acceded to collect all relevant documents in reference to painful schism in Serbian Diaspora, placing them in the light of Orthodox Ecclesiology and Holy Tradition, which was the only way to face it properly and bring it closer to healing.The readers will notice how Bishop Atanasije analyzed responsibly, and impartially the whole question of schism, and at the same time provided comprehensive, integral and thorough ecclesial economy, recomendations for solutions.This book is the result of his Christ-loving and Church-loving labor.

A tangible result of Atanasije's ecclesiological recommendation was the Eucharistic renewal, communion, and reconciliation which was established on the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple, February 15, 1992. At the Cathedral in Belgrade, His Holiness Patriarch Paul and hierarchs of the Holy Episcopal Assembly celebrated for the first time together since the schism, with Metropolitan Iriney (Kovacevic), up until then, schismatic bishop in Diaspora.Finally, on May 21, 2009, the Holy Assembly made a decission about conclusive administrative unity of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America.

In the same time this book reveals crucial question regarding Diaspora, because ecclesial organization of the Orthodox Church abroad presents itself with at least two problems: a) a check-up of our interpretation and comprehension of the Church, especifically of the last couple of centuries existing convictions, and b) a question of the Church mission in the World.

This book is published with the blessings of His Grace, Bishop Longin of New Gracanica - Midwestern America, and His Grace, Bishop Maxim of Western American Diocese, of the Serbian Orthodox Church for North and South America.

Price $15

Call us today with your order!
Western American Diocese
1621West Garvey Avenue Alhambra CA, 91803
847 571-3600, 626 289 9061, 626 284 1484 (fax), Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Visit our online store at http://westsrbdio.org/en/sebastian-press/sebastian-press-publications