A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Spomenik Branku Pešiću radiće srpski vajar iz Los Anđelesa

Spomenik beogradskom gradonačelniku Branku Pešiću radiće srpski vajar Marko Kratohvil koji živi u Los Anđelesu, odlučeno je na sednici Odbora za podizanje spomenika kojim je predsedavao istoričar umetnosti Nikola Kusovac.

Spomenik gradonačelniku Beograda, koji je bio prvi čovek prestonice jednu deceniju, u periodu od 1964-1974. godine, tokom kojih su završeni most „Gazela“, petlja „Mostar“, Terazijski tunel, izgrađena Beograđanka, ali i gotovo stotinu hiljada stanova, biće postavljen na jesen.

Umetničko delo biće, kako je najavio zamenik gradonačelnika Beograda Goran Vesić, postavljeno tokom jeseni u pešačkoj zoni u starom gradskom jezgru Zemuna.

Umetnik Marko Kratohvil, koji je izabran da radi spomenik Branku Pešiću, rođen je u Beogradu, gde se i školovao. Ali, 1991. kako stoji u njegovoj biografiji, preselio se u London gde je živeo i stvarao skulpturu, crteže i bavio se arhitektonskim dizajnom 25 godina.

Od 2009. umetnik se nastanio u Los Anđelesu, a kako navodi u svojoj biografiji, izlagao je tokom karijere širom Evrope i Amerike, dok mu se radovi nalaze u privatnim i javnim kolekcijama.

Grad Beograd će finansirati, kako je Vesić napisao na svom Fejsbuk profilu, i dokumentarni film o Branku Pešiću, čiji su autori Duška Jovanić i Vuk Dapčević.

Izvor: Nova.rs



People Directory

Biljana D. Obradović and John Gery

Biljana D. Obradović, a Serbian-American poet, translator, and critic has lived in Greece, India, and the United States. She is associate professor of english at Xavier University of Louisiana, in New Orleans.

She has two collections of poems, Frozen Embraces and Le Riche Monde. Her poems also appear in Three Poets in New Orleans and in anthologies and magazines, such as Like Thunder: Poets Respond in Violence in America, Key West: A Collection, Poetry East, Bloomsbury Review, Prairie Schooner, and The Plum Review.

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Residents of Heaven

An Exhibit of Byzantine and Modern Orthodox Icons

Residents of Heaven is a book of Icons by Father Stamatis Skliris which were prepared for "An Exhibit of Byzantine and Modern Orthodox Icons" held at the "David Allan Hubbard Library, Fuller Theological Seminary" in Pasadena, California, June 10 - July 5, 2010.

The iconographer, V. Rev. Stamatis Skliris, attended the opening of the exhibit with His Grace, Bishop Maxim who gave the Introduction. The mounting of the display was done by Jasminka Gabrie and the staff of the Fuller Library. The opening event was organized by Dr. William Dyrness, Director of the Visual Faith Institute, Brehm Center for Worship, Theology and the Arts, Fuller Seminary.