A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Serbian Church In History - Abolishment of the Patriarchate of Pec

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After the “Great Migration” of Serbs of 1690 it is possible to follow the development of the Serbian Church and national history not only within borders of the Ottoman Empire, but also in wide regions of the Austrian Empire. Popular living conditions in regions under Turkish rule, and conditions under which the Church functioned there, were even more difficult now. Population constantly decreased in numbers. Two patriarchs were compelled to flee into Austria and Turks lost all confidence in Serbian clerics. Greeks immediately exploited this adverse state of affairs. After Patriarch Arsenije IV Sakabenta migrated to Austria, the Church in Constantinople asserted pressure on the Porte to install mainly Greeks, such as Joanikije Karadza (1739-1746), as Patriarch of Pec. In the short period of time between 1752 and 1765 eight patriarchs sat on the throne of Pec, five of whom were Greek. Patriarchate debts accumulated in Constantinople and no one was willing to pay them back. Last Serbian national to be elected patriarch before abolishment of the Patriarchate of Pec was Vasilije Brkic (1763-1765, Basil Brkych). He was banished to Cyprus as an enemy of Turkish State. He was succeeded by a Greek, Kalinik II (1765-1766), who performed an unprecedented deed — he resigned his title of Patriarch of Pec and, with other five bishops, sent a petition to the Oecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople asking for the abolishment of the Patriarchate of Pec. Accumulated Patriarchate debts were quoted as the main reason for this motion. Accordingly, Patriarch of Constantinople convinced the Sultan to abolish the Patriarchate of Pec (September 11th 1766), and place its dioceses under the spiritual jurisdiction of the Church in Constantinople: “From now on even the very name of Patriarchate of Pec is to be considered abolished, and its reestablishment forbidden under any circumstances”. Same fate was to be suffered by the Archbishopric of Ohrid only a year later. This state of affairs lasted all the way through until 1920 when the dignity of a Patriarchate was restored to the Serbian Church.

Abolishment of the Patriarchate announced grave days ahead for the Serbian Church. All Serbian bishops were removed and Greek nationals brought to take their place. These newcomers were called Phanariots (after Phanar — that part of Constantinople, i.e. Istanbul, where the Oecumenical Patriarch resided together with most of the well-to-do Greek nationals in the city) and were remembered for their lack of consideration for the welfare of Serbs under their jurisdiction. Most of them did not even speak Serbian.



People Directory

Metropolitan Irinej (Kovačević)


Milan Kovačević was born to Sreten and Kristine Kovačević on 6 September, 1914, in the village Vrnčani near Gornji Milanovac in the Kingdom of Serbia. Milan completed primary school in his village, and high school in Gornji Milanovac. After completing the course at the Teachers High School, he served as a teacher in the village Ljutovnica near Gornji Milanovac.

In 1941, during World War II, because he was at that time an army reserve officer, he was taken by the Nazis to a camp in Germany, where he remained until 1945. After the liberation, Milan went to England, where he temporarily attended a seminary in Dorchester.

In 1950, he emigrated to the USA, and he enrolled in the Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in New York, and also in Columbia University.

In October, 1953, Milan entered the Serbian Orthodox Monastery of Saint Sava in Libertyville, Illinois. On 30 December, 1953, he was tonsured to be a monk by Archimandrite Firmilian (Ocokoljić), and he was given the name Irinej. On 31 December, 1953, the Monk Irinej was ordained to the Holy Diaconate in the monastery by Bishop Dionisije, while on April, 1954, the Hierodeacon Irinej was ordained to the priesthood in the monastery by Bishop Dionisije. On 31 August, 1956, the Hieromonk Irinej was elevated to the dignity of igumen (abbot).

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Христос – Нова Пасха – Божанствена Литургија

Serbian Edition, author Bishop Athanasius Yevtich (издање на српском језику, аутор епископ Атанасије Јевтић)

Период двадесетог века представљао је врло комплексно раздобље везано за развој литургијско-богословске мисли у нашој помесној Цркви. Осећајући насушну еклисијалну и пастирску потребу да поменуту мисао надгради и истовремено је учини приступачнијом народу Божијем, епископ Атанасије Јевтић се одлучио да понуди тротомно дело под насловом: Христос – Нова Пасха – Божанствена Литургија. Иако се објављивање трећег тома тек очекује, сматрамо да богословској и читалачкој пажњи треба представити два тома који су већ изашли.

Сложени назив овог епохалног издања, које може бити препознато као „српска литургијска стромата двадесет и првог века“, аутор је начинио на основу одељка из Прве Посланице Коринћанима светог апостола Павла: Јер се Пасха наша Христос жртвова за нас (1Кор 5, 7). Дело се састоји из два тома и намењено је, према речима епископа Атанасија, „богобојажљивим и христочежњивим љубитељима Божанских Тајни, усрдним учесницима Свете Литургије и причесницима Богочовечанских Светиња“. Наиме, у њему су сабрани текстови о Светој и Божанственој Евхаристији од најранијих времена Цркве Христове (првог века) све до савременог доба, а сâм циљ јесте „раскривање литургијских, еклисиолошких, космичких и есхатолошких димензија Светајне Христа и Његове Цркве“. Највећи део сабраних литургијско-светоотачких текстова се по први пут појављује на српском језику, благодарећи преводилачком и прегалачком труду епископа Атанасија. Уз то, веома су драгоцени његови оригинални коментари. Треба истаћи да су оба тома штампана са тврдим корицама у штампарији Интерклима Графика у Врњачкој Бањи.

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