A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Vladimir Milošević - umetnik u usponu

Pijanista Vladimir Milošević, docent Fakulteta muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu, izabran je za "umetnika u usponu" na nedavnom konkursu američke Asocijacije njujorških koncertnih umetnika, koja se bavi promocijom i lansiranjem mladih umetnika u svetu. Na konkursu su učestvovali muzičari iz celog sveta, a Asocijacija je Miloševića proglasila najboljim.


- Kao pobednik, dobio sam mogućnost da nastupim sa Simfonijskim orkestrom Njujorških koncertnih umetnika u sezoni 2013/2014. Koncert će najverovatnije biti u maju sledeće godine. Krajem leta će se znati i tačan repertoar - kaže za "Novosti" Vladimir Milošević. - Nastup u Karnegi holu pre nekoliko godina bio je ostvarenje jednog velikog sna, a ovim koncertom ostvariće mi se još jedan.

Srpskog pijanistu 18. aprila očekuje i nastup u Marinskom teatru, u Sankt Peterburgu. U dvorani "ruskog Karnegi hola" Milošević će nastupiti sa čelistom Draganom Đorđevićem, a izvešće celovečernji resital.

U svetu je mnogo vrhunskih pijanista i teško je izboriti se za svoje mesto. Naš sagovornik, međutim, smatra da je konkurencija uvek dobrodošla.

- To me inspiriše da još više radim na sebi, da budem u dobroj formi. Za muzičara je veoma važno da ima kvalitetnu konkurenciju. Osim toga, stalno učim nova dela, i tako izgrađujem i usavršavam sebe.

Osim nespornog talenta, da bi se uspelo na međunarodnoj sceni, smatra Milošević, potrebno je "mnogo rada i sreće". Ako imate kvalitet i talenat, kaže, nije presudno iz koje zemlje dolazite. Mada više ne odlazi na takmičenja, i dalje pamti kako je teško obezbediti novac za putovanja i nastupe širom sveta.

- Muzičari nemaju nikakvu pomoć države, moraju da se snalaze kako znaju. Nekad imaju sreće da im organizator takmičenja pokrije troškove, u protivnom, umetnici u usponu moraju da se oslone na roditelje ili potraže pomoć sponzora. Država malo ulaže u umetnost i negovanje kulture uopšte - kaže naš sagovornik.

Za razliku od Srbije, Nemačka i Francuska imaju veliko poštovanje prema klasičnoj muzici i umetnicima.

- Tamo je mnogo veća konkurencija i teže je izboriti se za svoje mesto, ali, s druge strane, i u najmanjim mestima postoje koncertne sale. Svira se u crkvama, u raznim kulturnim društvima, što muzičarima omogućava da imaju redovne nastupe - kaže srpski pijanista.

NOVOSTI 13. 3. 2013.




People Directory

Bishop Damaskin (Grdanički)

The vacant episcopal post of the American-Canadian Diocese was filled on June 22, 1938 at the Regular Session of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Elected as its second Diocesan Hierarch was Bishop Dr. Damaskin (Grdanicki) of Mukachevo and Priashevo.

Bishop Damaskin was born in Leskovac in 1892. He graduated from the nine year St. Sava Seminary in Belgrade, while simultaneously attending the Belgrade Music School. After finishing the Seminary, he taught music at the First High School in Kragujevac. Received into the monastic order at Rakovica Monastery by Archimandrite Platon, later martyred as Bishop of Banja Luka, he studied at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy where he received a Master's Degree in Theology in 1917. He then went to Freiburg, Switzerland where he obtained a Ph.D. in Philosophy.

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In the Mirror

A Collection of Iconographic Essays and Illustrations

By Fr. Stamatis Skliris

The Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America is pleased to announce the publication of an outstanding book by Fr. Stamatis Skliris, a disciple of the great twentieth-century theologians Archimandrite Justin Popovich and Bishop Athanasius Yevtich. Fr. Stamatis is a parish priest in Athens and is renowned as an iconographer and as a writer and lecturer on Byzantine iconography.

In the Mirror is the second of a planned collection of works of contemporary theologians. It is an anthology of Fr. Stamatis’ articles which have appeared in Greek and Serbian. In it, he combines adherence to the teachings of the Church Fathers with a vibrant expression of faith through the experience of Christ in the Church. The book is adorned with more than 200 striking icons and illustrations by Fr. Stamatis.

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