A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Serbian Movie Festival

Center For Russian & East European Studies and the Serb National Federation present

Serbian Movie Festival

Preserving Serbian Cultural Heritage, Enriching & Promoting Greater Pittsburgh’s Cultural Diversity


University of Pittsburgh
Cathedral of Learning | Room 232 4200 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15260


2:00 p.m. - THE PROMISE
Release Year: 2016
Runtime: 74 minutes
Directed by: Zeljko Mirkovic
In a remote village in the southeast of Serbia something unexpected has happened. All of a sudden, a French family has moved to a poor place deserted by the young. They believe they have found a promised land for growing grapes and winemaking. But they have found only old people in the village, distrusting people with old habits. A new challenge awaited them back home in France – how to persuade sommeliers that superior wine can be made in an unknown region? Can they awake hope and breathe a new life into the old village? This marvelous documentary about winemaking in Serbia won nine international awards so far.

3:30 p.m. - SERBS ON CORFU
Release Year: 2016
Runtime: 99 minutes
Author: Sladjana Zaric
A documentary by Radio Television of Serbia describing one of the most tragic events faced by the Serbian people – the exile of the entire nation, army, and government of Serbia to the island Corfu, Greece during World War I. In order to avoid a capitulation of their country to the Austro-Hungary Empire, the Serbian Government and army (including the civilian population) decide to leave their own country and cross Albania during the dead of winter to reach the Allies at the Adriatic Sea. This was a unique case in world history that an entire nation immigrated to save their lives.

6:00 p.m. - SANTA MARIA della SALUTE
Release Year: 2016
Runtime: 117 minutes
Directed by: Zdravko Sotra
An enjoyable biographical story about the love between one of the most famous Serbian poets, Laza Kostic, renowned for his sublime poems, and an attractive, educated, charming, and rich young girl, Lenka Dundjerski. Lenka was the daughter of Kostic’s friend, Lazar Dundjerski. She had read Kostic’s poetry before she met him, and he was thirty years older than her. The love a air inspired one of the most beautiful love poems of Serbian and European poetry, Santa Maria della Salute. The movie was one of most popular movies in Serbia in 2016 and 2017.

All movies will be shown with English subtitles.

FREE and OPEN to the Public.
Pizza and light refreshments will be provided.

Questions? Please contact the SNF at 412-458-5227 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



People Directory

Slobodan Ćuk

BSEE, Belgrade University, Yugoslavia, 1970
MSEE, University of Santa Clara, CA, USA 1974
Ph.D., Caltech, CA, USA, 1976

Dr. Slobodan Ćuk was a full-time Professor of Electrical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology until January 1, 2000. During that time, more than 30 students obtained their Ph.D. degree in Power Electronics under Dr. Ćuk's guidance. Many of them are now leading researchers and/or Professors of Power Electronics in the U.S. and abroad.

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Sailors of the Sky

A conversation with Fr. Stamatis Skliris and Fr. Marko Rupnik on contemporary Christian art

In these timely conversations led by Fr. Radovan Bigovic, many issues are introduced that enable the contemporary reader to deepen and expand his or her understanding of the role of art in the life of the Church. Here we find answers to questions on the crisis of contemporary ecclesiastical art in West and East; the impact of Impressionism, Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism and Abstract painting on contemporary ecclesiastical painting; and a consideration of the main distrinction between iconography and secular painting. The dialogue, while resolving some doubts about the difference between iconography, religious painting, and painting in general, reconciles the requirement to obey inconographic canons with the freedom essential to artistic creativity, demonstrating that obedience to the canons is not a threat to the vitatlity of iconography. Both artists illumine the role of prayer and ascetisicm in the art of iconography. They also mention curcial differences between iconography in the Orthodox Church and in Roman Catholicism. How important thse distinctions are when exploring the relationship between contemporary theology and art! In a time when postmodern "metaphysics' revitalizes every concept, these masters still believe that, to some extent, Post-Modernism adds to the revitatiztion of Christian art, stimulating questions about "artistic inspiration" and the essential asethetic categories of Christian painting. Their exceptionally wide, yet nonetheless deep, expertise assists their not-so-everday connections between theology, ar, and modern issues concerning society: "society" taken in its broader meaning as "civilization." Finally, the entire artistic project of Stamatis and Rupnik has important ecumenical implications that aswer a genuine longing for unity in the Christian word.

The text of this 94-page soft-bound book has been translated from the Serbian by Ivana Jakovljevic, Fr. Gregory Edwards, and Andrijana Krstic. Published by Sebastian Press, Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Contemporary Christian Thought Series, number 7, First Edition, ISBN: 978-0-9719505-8-0