A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Why a statue of Nikola Tesla in the Silicon Valley?

Nikola Tesla is an under-recognized inventor who was instrumental to our mainstay system of electricity transfer (alternating current) and made hundreds of significant and groundbreaking inventions in areas of wireless energy, wireless communication, magnetism, radio, x-rays, cosmic rays, radar, robotics, engine-powered aircraft and much more.


U nekoliko najvećih američkih klinika, laboratorijski se radi dešifrovanje kompletnog genoma, tako da se može saznati od kojih bolesti bi osoba mogla u budućnosti da boluje, a jednu takvu laboratoriju vodi i prof.dr Mira Bjelotomić Irons, poreklom iz Srbije.

Ona je načelnica Odeljenja za genetiku u Bostonskoj dečjoj bolnici, gde se radi prenatalna dijagnostika, odnosno uz pomoć testova ženama još u trudnoći otkriva od kojih bolesti bi dete u budućnosti moglo da boluje.


Драма „Реалисти", Јелене Кајго, премијерно је изведена 11. маја на сцени америчког позоришта „Хир арт", у режији Ијана Моргана

– Утисци које носим са премијере „Реалиста" у Њујорку су сјајни. Редитељ Ијан Морган је изузетно суптилно и прецизно поставио комад са свим финесама и детаљима, а глумачка подела је одлична. Иако сам изузетно задовољна представом, изненадиле су ме бурне и лепе реакције публике, али и добре критике. Јер у уметности никада нисте сигури да ли сте потпуно објективни. Њујоршка публика се толико поистоветила са ликовима комада или их је препознала као део свог окружења да се сваки пут пренула када је са сцене зачула српско име, јер је имала утисак да се радња комада дешава на Менхетну. То је пример позитивне стране глобализације: да сви осећамо да смо део шире целине, али је потребно и да стално будемо свесни које су њене добре, а које лоше стране...


KALAMAZOO, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) – Western Michigan University becomes a "medieval Mecca" one weekend every year, and that weekend just began.

The 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies kicked off Thursday on WMU's campus.

At this mostly academic event, it's more common to find experts debating medieval topics than people parading around in costume or jousting.



Subcommittee Hearing: Kosovo and Serbia: A Pathway to Peace


Невелика редакција од 13 новинара прославила је у четвртак по подне, са важним гостима, велики јубилеј: 70 година откако се 26. марта 1943, на радио апаратима, уз повремено крчање, први пут чуло „Овде Вашингтон, Глас Америке”.

Тако је започео програм намењен Југославији, на врхунцу Другог светског рата, када је радио био главни извор вести са широког светског фронта и глас наде да ће снаге добра победити силе мрака. А кад је победа извојевана, Глас Америке је добродошао иза „гвоздене завесе”.


We are proud to announce that a group of professors and leading experts from the University of Belgrade are scheduled to hold lectures on Serbian history and culture of the Middle Ages at this year’s International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The Congress is world renowned and the largest annual gathering of scholars specializing in the Middle Ages. It hosts over 3, 000 participants from leading universities and academic institutions from all over the world. This is the first time, in 48 years, that Serbian medieval culture is being presented at the Congress in a special session dedicated solely to its artistic and historical heritage and cultural and spiritual identity.


Serbian Unity Congress Serbia, in cooperation with monastery Studenica and Studenica Foundation from America and with support of the Serbian Orthodox Church and Bishop Jovan from Sumadia organizes summer camps in Serbia, in July and August, for students aged 14-18. years.

Children will learn the Serbian language, history and culture, visit the tourist attractions of Serbia, have workshops with famous athletes and personalities from the public sphere.




People Directory

Bishop Danilo (Krstić)

Born on May 13, 1927 in Novi Sad, Danilo studied law in Belgrade, and graduated from Sorbonne in literature in 1952. From 1954 to 1958 he studied theology at the Saint Sergius’ Academy in Paris. While studying in Paris, he became acquainted with Bishop John of Shanghai, and he underwent a spiritual renewal. His doctoral thesis On Divine Philanthropy: From Plato to John Chrysostom, he completed under Fr George Florovsky at Harvard in 1968 (under the title: St. John Chrysostom as the Theologian of Divine Philanthropy; reprinted in Theologia, Athens, 1983).

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The One and the Many

Studies of God, Man, the Church, and the World today

by Metropolitan John D. Zizioulas

This volume offers a collection of Zizioulas articles which have appeared mostly in English, and which present his trinianatarian doctrine of God, as well as his theological account of the Church as the place in which freedom and communion are actualized. The title, The One and the Many, suggests the idea of a profound relationship that exists between the Persons in the Holy Trinity, between Christ and the Church, between one Catholic Church and many catholic Churches. On each of these levels of communion, each one is called to receive from one another and indeed to receive one another. And while this is understandable at the Triadological and Christological levels, it raises all sorts of fundamental ecclesiological questions, since the highest point of unity in this context is both the mutual ecclesial-eucharistic recognition and agreement on doctrine and canonical-eccelesiological organization.

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