A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Film "Love Hunter – priče iz njujorškog taksija" na turneji po Americi

Posle veoma uspešne premijere u Njujorku, film “Love Hunter – priče iz njujorškog taksija”, kojeg je Njujork Tajms nazvao “jednim od osveženja njujorške filmske scene”, kreće dalje na američku turneju.

“Turneja počinje u Čikagu a zatim slede i Vašington i Los Anđeles, a dodaju se i novi gradovi poput Toronta i San Franciska. Biće ih verovatno dodato još, jer su nas kontaktirali ljudi iz cele Amerike i pitaju kad ćemo doći i u njihov grad”, kaže Brane Bala, jedan od režisera.

Ova muzička komedija, bazirana većim delom na njujorškim avanturama Milana Mumina, legendarnog frontmena kultnog novosadskog benda “Love Hunters”, govori o ljubavi i praćenju snova. Mumin u filmu igra samog sebe dok kao taksista u Njujorku pokušava da sakupi novac za snimanje svog prvog američkog albuma.


“Drago mi je da se publika uspela poistovetiti sa glavnim likom koji prolazi kroz razne avanture ali i tegobe koje su, čini se, neizostavni deo svake priče o potrazi za snovima i, naravno, ljubavi”, kaže Milan Mumin.

Film je svoju američku premijeru imao u Njujorku u novembru 2014, gde je publika ovacijama pozdravila pored Milana Mumina i ostale glumce među kojima su Jelena Stupljanin, Eleanor Hačins (Eleanor Hutchins), Anika Peterson (Annika Peterson), Majkl Denola (Michael DeNola) i drugi.

“Srećni smo što se publici toliko svideo film i morali smo da se odazovemo pozivima ljudi iz drugih gradova i da krenemo na ovu turneju”, kaže režiser Nemanja Bala.

Turneja počinje u Čikagu simbolično na Dan Zaljubljenih 14. februara, a biće još dve projekcije 17. i 18. februara u čuvenom Gene Siskel Filmskom Centru. Zatim turneja nastavlja dalje u Vašington i Los Anđeles u martu. Sve informacije o turneji mogu se naći na sajtu filma: lovehunterfilm.com ili preko LeitmotivArts na www.facebook.com/LeitmotivArtsNYC



People Directory

Jelena Vidovic

Jelena Vidovic was born on February 7th, 1997. She came to the United States at the age of 5 with her parents and started playing tennis at the age of 9. With six short months of tennis experience, she entered her first tournament and placed first in both singles and doubles. When she was in high school, she did the Running Start program. Freshman and sophomore year, she took Advanced Placement classes at her high school and her junior and senior year; she took classes at a community college. This allowed her to earn her high school diploma and Associate’s Degree at the same time. She continued playing tennis throughout high school as the number 1 player all four years and she had opportunity to play Division I tennis. Being an excellent student, she decided to play at a private Division III university to focus on her academics. Studying at a private university is extremely rigorous, but she was still able to graduate in 3 years at a 4-year Public Health program​. She lives in Vancouver, Oregon with her parents, Desimir and Duja​.

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My Brother's Keeper

by Fr. Radovan Bigovic

Rare are the books of Orthodox Christian authors that deal with the subject of politics in a comprehensive way. It is taken for granted that politics has to do with the secularized (legal) protection of human rights (a reproduction of the philosophy of the Enlightenment), within the political system of so-called "representative democracy", which is limited mostly to social utility or to the conventional rules of human relations. Most Christians look at politics and democracy as unrelated with their experience of the Church herself, which abides both in history and in the Kingdom, the eschaton. Today, the commercialization of politics—its submission to the laws of publicity and the brainwashing of the masses—has literally abolished the "representative" parliamentary system. So, why bother with politics when every citizen of so-called developed societies has a direct everyday experience of the rapid decline and alienation of the fundamental aspects of modernity?

In the Orthodox milieu, Christos Yannaras has highlighted the conception of the social and political event that is borne by the Orthodox ecclesiastical tradition, which entails a personalistic (assumes an infinite value of the human person as opposed to Western utilitarian individualism) and relational approach. Fr Radovan Bigovic follows this approach. In this book, the reader will find a faithful engagement with the liturgical and patristic traditions, with contemporary thinkers, Orthodox and non-Orthodox, all in conversation with political science and philosophy. As an excellent Orthodox theologian and a proponent of dialogue, rooted in the catholic (holistic) being of the Orthodox Church and of his Serbian people, Fr Radovan offers a methodology that encompasses the above-mentioned concerns and quests.