A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Episcopal Nativity Greeting by His Grace Bishop Maxim

By the Grace of God Orthodox Bishop of Western America
Grace, Peace and Mercy from the God-Child Christ the Savior

My dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

On this sacred day of the Nativity and Holy Theophany, we celebrate the greatest Offerings presented to humankind, the gift of the Lord Himself and the gift of eternal life. God the Father gave His Son, and the Son gave Himself so that we might be restored to the life and communion for which we were created.
As we bow in reverence and thanksgiving to the Source of Life, let us offer all our being freely for His Glory and service, sharing in the life, love and peace that will be ours for all eternity in the Church which exists as a constant Theophany.

As we await once again the Coming of the Sun of Righteousness, joyfully proclaiming Come o Lord, I pray that infinite grace and love of God illumine you with the pure peace of Christ Who was born on this day for our salvation.

May the incarnate Word of God, born in the cave and laid in a manger, be with you and those you love, as you walk throughout the New Year by the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and all the Saints.


May the New Year of our Lord 2015 Be Blessed!

In the New Born Christ-Child, our Savior,
Bishop of Western America MAXIM


Милошћу Божијом Православни Епископ Западноамерички
Благодат, мир и милост Богомладенца Христа

Драга браћо и сестре у Господу,

У овај свештени дан Божића и Богојављења, прослављамо највећи Принос дат човечанству, дар Самога Господа и дар Вечнога живота. Бог Отац је даровао Сина Љубљенога, а Син је Себе принео да бисмо ми били васпостављени у живот и заједницу ради које смо и створени.

Поклањајући се благодарно Источнику Живота, принесимо слободно бића своја Његовој Слави и служењу, причешћујући се животом, љубављу и миром  који ће бити наши на сву вечност у Цркви која је трајно Богојављење.

И док изнова ишчекујемо Синце Правде, радосно кличући Дођи, Господе!, молимо се да безгранична милост и љубав Божија обасјају Вас Христовим миром Који је рођен у овај дан ради нашега спасења.

Да Оваплоћени Логос Божији, рођен у пећини и положен у јаслама, буде свагда са Вама и вашим вољенима, док ходите кроз Нову 2015. годину Благости Господње, молитвама Пресвете Богородице и свих Светих.


Благословена Нова 2015. година!

У Богомладенцу Христу,
Епископ западноамерички МАКСИМ



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Borko D. Jovanovic

Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine (Biostatistics)

Description of Interests

I am a consulting biostatistician, with focus on experimental design and analysis of data in clinical trials, basic science and in epidemiology. Some of my other interests included model selection, prediction models, gene arrays and history of mathematics.

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Holy Emperor Constantine and the Edict of Milan

by Bishop Athanasius (Yevtich)

In 2013 Christian world celebrates 1700 years since the day when the Providence of God spoke through the holy Emperor Constantine and freedom was given to the Christian faith. Commemorating the 1700 years since the Edict of Milan of 313, Sebastian Press of the Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church published a book by Bishop Athanasius Yevtich, Holy Emperor Constantine and the Edict of Milan. The book has 72 pages and was translated by Popadija Aleksandra Petrovich. This excellent overview of the historical circumstances that lead to the conversion of the first Christian emperor and to the publication of a document that was called "Edict of Milan", was originally published in Serbian by the Brotherhood of St. Simeon the Myrrh-gusher, Vrnjci 2013. “The Edict of Milan” is calling on civil authorities everywhere to respect the right of believers to worship freely and to express their faith publicly.

The publication of this beautiful pocket-size, full-color, English-language book, has been compiled and designed by Bishop Athanasius Yevtich, a disciple of the great twentieth-century theologian Archimandrite Justin Popovich. Bishop Athanasius' thought combines adherence to the teachings of the Church Fathers with a vibrant faith, knowledge of history, and a profound experience of Christ in the Church.

In the conclusion of the book, the author states:"The era of St. Constantine and his mother St. Helena, marks the beginning of what history refers to as Roman, Christian Empire, which was named Byzantium only in recent times in the West. In fact, this was the conception of a Christian Europe. Christian Byzantine culture had a critical effect on Europe; Europe was its heir, and then consciously forgot it. Europe inherited many Byzantine treasures, but unfortunately, also robbed and plundered many others for its own treasuries and museums – not only during the Crusades, but during colonial rule in the Byzantine lands as well. We, the Orthodox Slavs, received a great heritage of the Orthodox Christian East from Byzantium. Primarily, Christ’s Gospel, His faith and His Church, and then, among other things, the Cyrillic alphabet, too."