A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Andrej Grubačić

Andrej Grubačić is a visionary intellectual, professor, activist and fellow traveler of Zapatista-inspired direct action movements. Currently, Grubačić serves as professor and Chair of the Anthropology and Social Change Department at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. He started his academic career as a historian of 16th century world at the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, for reasons that were both political and intellectual, he left the country, and reinvented himself as a radical historian and sociologist.


At the Fernand Braudel Center at the SUNY Binghamton he initiated a research project on utopistics: a study of possible alternatives to the capitalist world-system. His interest in world systems analysis and anarchist theory influences his research perspective that includes experiences of self-organization, solidarity, voluntary association, and mutual aid on the world-scale. His other research interests include history of the Balkans and activist ethnography. His most recent book is Don't Mourn, Balkanize: Essays After Yugoslavia (2010). He teamed up with the legendary activist and historian Staughton Lynd to write the book Wobblies and Zapatistas, which has been internationally praised. Shortly after that, he went on to edit The Staughton Lynd Reader and offer a new programmatic proposal for the "libertarian socialism for the 21st century," inspired by Lynd's work.

Grubačić is also a contributor to Capital and Its Discontents and numerous other publications. He is one of the founding members of the Global Balkans network, the Yugoslav Initiative for Economic Democracy, Z-Balkans, and a program director of the Global Commons. His expertise in social movements and global political affairs is praised as original, impressive, and captivating. Grubačić is associated with Retort, a group of independent writers, artists, artisans, and teachers based in the San Francisco Bay Area.



People Directory

Milena Pavlović-Barili

Milena Pavlović-Barili (alt. Barilli) (Serbian Cyrillic: Милена Павловић-Барили) (November 5, 1909, Požarevac, Serbia – March 6, 1945, New York City, New York, United States of America) was a Serbian painter and poet.

Her Italian father Bruno Barilli was an influential composer, her Serbian mother, a distant relative of the Karađorđević dynasty, studied art. Milena herself studied at the Royal school of arts in Belgrade, Serbia (1922–1926) and in Munich (1926–1928).

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The Thunderbolt of Ever-Living Fire

by archimandrite Vasileios of Iveron

The present book consists of Elder Vaileios' talks, discussions and dialogues in various venues mostly in the United States during his visit in 2011, along with excerpts from his writings selected to complement the themes of his talks.  The themes dealt with by Fr. Vasileios so eloquently in this book are extraordinarily wide-ranging; he handles complex and difficult issues in theology, spirituality, liturgics, parish life and monasticism with amazing clarity and insight.  He quotes with equal facility from figures as diverse as Heraclitus, Dostoevsky, St. Isacc the Syrian, St. Maximus the Confessor, Stefan Zweig, Andrei Tarkovsky, Vladimir Lossy, Georges Florovsky and St. Nicholas Cabasilas.  Above all, there is an exhilarating sense of freedom and innocence in his thought.  It is the freedom and innocence of profound faith and spiritual knowledge and childlike simplicity.  HIs wisnow is expressed via the "hyperlogic" of a hesychastic spriti, which makes for surprising connections and illuminating insights.

The appearance of this new book by Archimandrite Vaileios is truly a cuase for celebration.

143 pages
ISBN: 978-1-936773-16-9