A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Ilon Mask poklonio milion dolara za Muzej Nikole Tesle

Iloan Mask, pronalazač i milioner i vlasnik “Tesla Motors”, donirao je milion dolara za Naučni centar Tesla u okrugu Safolk u Njujorku na Long Ajlendu, na mestu Vardenklifa, jedine preostale laboratorije slavnog naučnika. Za taj potez Maska veliku zaslugu ima jedan autor veb stripa, prenosi CNN.

Metju Inman, čiji strip i sajt The Oatmeal privlači milione čitalaca svakog meseca, potvrdio je u četvrtak da je razgovarao sa Maskom i da mu je on potvrdio donaciju.


Inman je rekao da mu je Mask rekao dve stvari tokom telefonskog razgovora:
- napraviće punkt za punjenje Tesla automobila na parkingu ispred muzeja.
- doniraće milion dolara da se muzej napravi i počne sa radom.

Osnivač komapnije Tesla Motors već je ranije donirao 2,500 dolara za budući muzej.

Naučni centar Tesla potvrdio je ovu vest na svom tviteru.

    $1 million from Elon Musk! And a supercharging station! Thank you, Mr. Musk!!!
    — Tesla Science Center (@teslascience) July 10, 2014

U jednom od svojih stripova, Inman je poredio Teslu i “stao na njegovu stranu” sa Teslinim (u svetu poznatijim savremenikom) rivalom Tomasom Edisonom. 2012. godine organizovao je akciju da kupi Vardenklif i da ga pretvori u muzej posvećen Nikoli Tesli.

Ubrzo je pokrenuo akciju na sajtu Indiegogo, koju je nazvao “Hajde da napravimo “prokleti” Teslin muzej” (Let's Build a G**damn Tesla Museum), koja je sakupila neverovatnih 1,3 miliona dolara. Od tada do danas prikupljena suma dostigla je skoro 8 miliona dolara potrebnih da se prostor restaurira i izgradi Muzej.

Ove godine je Inman u svom stripu recenzirao novi Tesla Model S i praktično kroz njega pozvao Maska da pomogne. Par sati od objavljivanja tog stripa Mask je postovao na Tviteru: "Biće mi drago da pomognem.”

Izvor: B92



People Directory

Bishop Danilo (Krstić)

Born on May 13, 1927 in Novi Sad, Danilo studied law in Belgrade, and graduated from Sorbonne in literature in 1952. From 1954 to 1958 he studied theology at the Saint Sergius’ Academy in Paris. While studying in Paris, he became acquainted with Bishop John of Shanghai, and he underwent a spiritual renewal. His doctoral thesis On Divine Philanthropy: From Plato to John Chrysostom, he completed under Fr George Florovsky at Harvard in 1968 (under the title: St. John Chrysostom as the Theologian of Divine Philanthropy; reprinted in Theologia, Athens, 1983).

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The One and the Many

Studies of God, Man, the Church, and the World today

by Metropolitan John D. Zizioulas

This volume offers a collection of Zizioulas articles which have appeared mostly in English, and which present his trinianatarian doctrine of God, as well as his theological account of the Church as the place in which freedom and communion are actualized. The title, The One and the Many, suggests the idea of a profound relationship that exists between the Persons in the Holy Trinity, between Christ and the Church, between one Catholic Church and many catholic Churches. On each of these levels of communion, each one is called to receive from one another and indeed to receive one another. And while this is understandable at the Triadological and Christological levels, it raises all sorts of fundamental ecclesiological questions, since the highest point of unity in this context is both the mutual ecclesial-eucharistic recognition and agreement on doctrine and canonical-eccelesiological organization.

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