A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Webster U restructures top leadership roles

Webster University has restructured its top executive posts, the university's board chair announced in an email Thursday to the faculty and staff.

Effective Thursday, Webster's president, Elizabeth Stroble, takes the title of chancellor, and Provost Julian Schuster, senior vice president and COO, takes the president's post, according to the email, which was obtained by the Business Journal.

"These changes in title for Webster’s executive team reflect the growing and challenging demands of leading Webster University as a global system," Robert Reeg, chair of Webster U's board of trustees, said in the message.

The chancellor "will lead strategy development and engage external audiences to build Webster’s funding capacity and reputation," he said, and the president "will lead internal operations for optimal implementation of strategy and effective performance."

"As reflected in these new titles, this reorganization will support the alignment of the units that report to the Chancellor and the President for greater strategic and operational strength throughout the Webster global system," Reeg wrote.

No other administrative changes have been made, a spokesman told the Business Journal. Reeg's note didn't indicate if a new provost would be named to succeed Schuster.

Stroble became Webster University's 11th president in July 2009, after having served as senior vice president, provost and chief operating officer of the University of Akron in Ohio. She succeeded Richard Meyers, who retired in February 2008. Neil George, executive vice president and vice president for academic affairs, had served as interim president in 2008-2009 and was a contender for the president's post. After Stroble was named president, George became the first chancellor in Webster's history, holding that post until his retirement in 2012, when he became chancellor emeritus.

Schuster was hired in July 2008 in the then newly created post of Webster U's provost, senior vice president and COO, having been founding dean of the Hamline School of Business at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota.

"American universities in the 21st century must negotiate an expanding and demanding environment: changing student demographics; a global economy in flux; innovations in technology and so much more. These realities demand new and sophisticated ways to engage internal and external stakeholders. They require alignment of executive leadership titles..." Reeg said Thursday in his email.

Reeg cited that while most American independent universities are based on a single campus, Webster, in addition to its base in Webster Groves, has multiple sites in St. Louis; 60 locations across the United States and on military bases; and residential campuses in Europe, Asia and Africa, with campus sites added in Greece, Ghana and Uzbekistan over the past five years. "In terms of total enrollment, Webster University is among the ten largest master’s level private universities in the United States," he said in the email.

Diana Barr, Associate Editor
Sep 19, 2019

Source: St. Louis Business Journals



People Directory

Nikola Moravčević

Nikola Moravčević (Cyrillic: Никола Моравчевић) is a University Professor, Critic and academic writer. He was born in Zagreb, (Yugoslavia) in a family of Serbian officer of Yugoslav Royal Army on December 10, 1935.

After he completed undergraduate studies at the Academy for Theatre Arts at the University of Belgrade in 1955, he moved to the United States. After three years of service in the U.S. Army, he continued his Graduate studies, obtaining a magisterial degree in Theatrical Directing from the School of Theatre Arts at the Art Institute of Chicago in 1961, and in 1964 a doctoral degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

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The Hagia Sophia

The Mystical Light of the Great Church and its Architectural Dress

by Charalambos P. Stathakis

Dear reader, as you run like the rest of us along the dizzy main road, stop, stay aside for a while. Let the others be dizzy, and take the secret underground trail, which will lead you through the dewdrops of the leaves, the crystal smile of the sun, the city’s underground galler- ies, your knowledge, and your feelings, to the doorstep of the Hagia Sophia. Because all dew- drops, all sunrays, and all beauty lead there. That is what you will be told by my friend, the author, whom I am fond of and whom I send you to, Charalambos Stathakis: the doctor, the warm and humane researcher, the scientist devoted to his work and his patients, who has given a series of scientific papers, who, nevertheless, retains a nest of beauty untouched in his heart, which makes him outstanding—even though he is not a specialist in architecture, nor a historian, nor a theologian, nor a Byzantinist—it makes him stand out in all these together and in entirety.

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