A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Mihajlo D. Mesarović

Mihajlo D. Mesarovic (Serbian: Mihajlo D. Mesarović, Serbian Cyrillic: Михајло Д. Месаровић; born July 2, 1928) is a Serbian scientist, who is a professor of Systems Engineering and Mathematics at Case Western Reserve University. Mesarovic has been a pioneer in the field of systems theory, he was UNESCO Scientific Advisor on Global change and also a member of the Club of Rome.

Mihajlo D. Mesarović was born on July 2nd, 1928 in Zrenjanin, Yugoslavia. He was awarded the B.S. from the University of Belgrade Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 1951. In 1955 he received a Ph.D. in Technical sciences from the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.


From 1951 to 1955, Mesarović was a research assistant at the Nikola Tesla Institute in Belgrade. From 1955 to 1958 he was head of the inspection department of the Institute. At the same time, Mesarović held academic positions at University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia from 1954 to 1958. In 1958 he became professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology / USA (MIT), where he served until 1959. He was associate Professor at Case Western Reserve University from 1959 to 1964 and professor from 1964 to 1978. In that time he was head of the Systems Engineering Group 1965-68, head of the Systems Engineering Department 1968-72 and director of the Systems Research Center 1968-78. Starting 1978, Prof. Mesarović has been the Cady Staley Professor of Systems Engineering and Mathematics. One of his students was Roger W. Brockett.

He has lectured in more than 60 countries, advised government officials on a variety of issues, consulted for international organizations, and published widely. He was also the founder of the 'Mathematical Theory of General Systems' Journal, Springer Verlag.

In 1999, he was appointed a Scientific Advisor on Global Change by Federico Mayor, Director-General of the UNESCO. In that role, Mesarović traveled to UNESCO's headquarters in Paris and advised the director general's office on issues such as climate change, economics, population, technology transfer, and the education of women in developing countries.

In 2003 he was awarded the Hovorka Prize from Case Western Reserve University for exceptional achievements. In 2005 he was awarded the USA Club of Rome Lifetime Achievement Award at the United Nations.

His research interests include the areas and topics like complexity, complex systems theory, global change and sustainable human development, hierarchical systems, large-scale systems theory, mathematical theory of general systems, multi-level systems, systems biology, and world and regional modeling. In the field of mathematics he is considered to be founder of:

  • Mathematical theory of coordination
  • Multi-level Hierarchical Systems Developer
  • Negotiation Support Software System

Mesarovic published several books and numerous articles:

  • 1960. Multi-variable Control Systems. MIT Press.
  • 1962. General Systems Theory and Systems Research Contrasting Conceptions of Systems Science. (ed.) Proceedings from the Second System Symposium.
  • 1964. Foundations for a General Systems Theory. (ed.)
  • 1968. Systems Theory and Biology. (ed.). Springer Verlag.
  • 1970. Non-Numerical Problem Solving. with R. Banerji (ed.), Springer Verlag, 1970.
  • 1970. Theory of Multi-level Hierarchical Systems. With D. Macko and Yasuhiko Takahara. Academic Press.
  • 1972. Mathematical Theory of General Systems. With Y. Takahara. Academic Press.
  • 1972. Organization Structure: Cybernetic Systems Foundation. IFSR Int’l. Series on Systems Science and Engineering, Vol. 22. Kluwer, Academic Publishers.
  • 1972. Systems Approach and the City. Edited with Arnold Reisman. North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam.
  • 1974. Mankind at the Turning Point. With Eduard Pestel. Dutton, Second Report to the Club of Rome.
  • 1975. General Systems Theory: Mathematical Foundations. With Yasuhiko Takaraha.
  • 1994. Abstract Systems Theory, Springer

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Andrej Grubačić

Andrej Grubačić is a visionary intellectual, professor, activist and fellow traveler of Zapatista-inspired direct action movements. Currently, Grubačić serves as professor and Chair of the Anthropology and Social Change Department at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. He started his academic career as a historian of 16th century world at the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, for reasons that were both political and intellectual, he left the country, and reinvented himself as a radical historian and sociologist.

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My Brother's Keeper

by Fr. Radovan Bigovic

Rare are the books of Orthodox Christian authors that deal with the subject of politics in a comprehensive way. It is taken for granted that politics has to do with the secularized (legal) protection of human rights (a reproduction of the philosophy of the Enlightenment), within the political system of so-called "representative democracy", which is limited mostly to social utility or to the conventional rules of human relations. Most Christians look at politics and democracy as unrelated with their experience of the Church herself, which abides both in history and in the Kingdom, the eschaton. Today, the commercialization of politics—its submission to the laws of publicity and the brainwashing of the masses—has literally abolished the "representative" parliamentary system. So, why bother with politics when every citizen of so-called developed societies has a direct everyday experience of the rapid decline and alienation of the fundamental aspects of modernity?

In the Orthodox milieu, Christos Yannaras has highlighted the conception of the social and political event that is borne by the Orthodox ecclesiastical tradition, which entails a personalistic (assumes an infinite value of the human person as opposed to Western utilitarian individualism) and relational approach. Fr Radovan Bigovic follows this approach. In this book, the reader will find a faithful engagement with the liturgical and patristic traditions, with contemporary thinkers, Orthodox and non-Orthodox, all in conversation with political science and philosophy. As an excellent Orthodox theologian and a proponent of dialogue, rooted in the catholic (holistic) being of the Orthodox Church and of his Serbian people, Fr Radovan offers a methodology that encompasses the above-mentioned concerns and quests.