A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Miloje Milinković

1958 - born in Belgrade, Serbia

1973 - Graduated from High School

1973-1977 - Started in iconography in the group of academic painter, Professor Misa Mladenovic and under tutorship of the St. Sava Theological School in Belgrade, Serbia. Stayed with the group from 1975 to 1980.


1980-1983 - Painted icons and frescoes with Academic Painter, Deacon Marko Ilich.

1984-1986 - Stayed in Greece learning and painting frescoes and icons in Katerini, Thesaloniki and Mount Athos. Received a blessing from master teacher of iconography, Fr. Arsenios, in the monastery in Mount Athos.

1986-1987 - Returned to Serbia and by the request and Episcopal blessing of Bishop of Sumadija, Dr. Sava, to work as an iconographer in the Serbian Orthodox Church and to paint frescoes in a monastery in Divostin and in a church in Lazarevac, Serbia.

1987-1988 - Painted frescoes in a cathedral in Kragujevac, the church in Lazarevac, and the church in Fair Oaks, CA.

1989-1990 - Painted iconostas for the church in Fair Oaks, CA, and frescoes for the churches in Serbia. Completed the iconostas in Fair Oaks, CA, and painted frescoes in the church in Serbia.

1991-1993 - Painted frescoes and icons in Serbia and 1993--continued painting frescoes in the church in Fair Oaks, CA.

1995-2008 - Began the frescos at St. Sava, Jackson, CA, and painted frescoes and icons in Libertyville, IL, South Bend and Schererville, IN, and Detroit, MI.

2008 - Completed the frescoes at St. Sava, Jackson, CA.

Text and photo from: http://www.angier-fox.com/st-sava/miloe.htm



People Directory

Gordon Bijelonić

Gordon Bijelonić rođen je kao Goran u Nju Džersiju. Njegovi roditelji, porijeklom iz Bosne i Hercegovine, otišli su u Sjedinjene Američke Države 1969. godine. Počeli su od nule i naporno su radili kako bi njemu i njegovoj braći obezbijedili dobar život, na čemu im je Gordon veoma zahvalan. Preselio se u Los Anđeles 1997. godine, u Holivud, gdje je vodio Vinovu firmu 10 godina sa još jednim producentom.

Uradio je dva filma ‘Another happy day’ sa Demi Mur koji je dobio nagradu za najbolji scenario na festivalu ‘Sundance’, te ‘Salvation Boulevard’ sa Pierce Brosnanom.

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Serbian Americans: History—Culture—Press

by Krinka Vidaković-Petrov, translated from Serbian by Milina Jovanović

Learned, lucid, and deeply perceptive, SERBIAN AMERICANS is an immensely rewarding and readable book, which will give historians invaluable new insights, and general readers exciting new ways to approach the history​ of Serbian printed media. Serbian immigration to the U.S. started dates from the first few decades of 19th c. The first papers were published in San Francisco starting in 1893. During the years of the most intense politicization of the Serbian American community, the Serbian printed media developed quickly with a growing number of daily, weekly, monthly and yearly publications. Newspapers were published in Serbian print shops, while the development of printing presses was a precondition for the growth of publishing in general. Among them were various kinds of books: classical Serbian literature, folksong collections, political pamphlets, works of the earliest Serbian American writers in America (poetry, prose and plays), first translations from English to Serbian, books about Serb immigrants, dictionaries, textbooks, primers, etc.

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