A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Igor Bogojevic

Igor Bogojevic is an artist from Montenegro that lives and works in New York City.


  • 2007 Master of Fine Arts MFA, Academy of Fine Arts in Cetinje, Montenegro;
  • 2003-2005 2-year specialist studies grant awarded by the Greek government to study at the Athens Academy of Fine Arts, under the tutelage of Professor Triandafilos Patrskidis.
  • 2002 Bachelor of Fine Arts BFA, Academy of Fine Arts in Cetinje, Montenegro , Painting Department.


  • 2009 awarded the Medaille d'Or –- First Prize for painting, Salon Academie Internationale Ecole de la Loire 2009, Chateau Beauregard, France
  • 2008 awarded 9 months artist in residence at Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, France; representing Montenegro.
  • 2003-2005 2-year specialist studies grant awarded by the Greek government to study at the Athens Academy of Fine Arts
  • 2002 awarded the University of Montenegro Prize for results achieved during his study period.


  • The Association of Fine Artists of Montenegro
  • The Association of Fine Artists of Greece

Individual exhibitions

  • 2014 Ariana Rockefeller Pop-Up Shop
  • 2013 The Four Seasons, New York
  • 2011 Galerie  Museum, Paris
  • 2011 Galerie Space Marmelade, Paris
  • 2010 Galerie Space Marmelade, Paris
  • 2010 Gallery Le Petit Consulat, Valjevo
  • 2009 Galerie Museum (with Yarmila Vesovic), Paris
  • 2008 Open studio exhibition, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris
  • 2007 Contemporary Art Center of Montenegro, Centar Gallery, Podgorica, Montenegro
  • 2007 Rusko Poslanstvo, Academy of Fine Arts (M.A. exam exhibition), Cetinje, Montenegro          
  • 2006 Melina Merkouri Gallery – Athens Cultural Center, Athens, Greece
  • 2004 Embassy of Serbia and Montenegro, Athens, Greece
  • 2002 Rusko Poslanstvo, Academy of Fine Arts (graduation exhibition), Cetinje, Montenegro
  • 2002 Art Gallery, Sveti Stefan, Montenegro

Group exhibitions

  • 2011 The Broadway Gallery NYC, New York
  • 2009 Salon Academie Internationale Ecole de la Loire, Chateau de Beauregard ( Medaille d’'Or-1st prize for painting)
  • 2009 “Les passants”, Galerie Art’est, Paris
  • 2009 Art Babel 2009, Cite internationale des Arts, Paris
  • 2007 Pizana Gallery, Podgorica, Montenegro
  • 2006 Art-Lab Gallery, Athens, Greece
  • 2005 Technousia Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • 2005 Academy of Fine Arts, Athens, Greece
  • 2005 Association of Fine Artists of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro
  • 2004 Academy of Fine Arts, Athens, Greece
  • 2002 Rusko Poslanstvo, Cetinje, Montenegro

Triandafilos Patraskidis, Painter, Professor and Dean at the Athens School of Fine
"A swarming of lives – the impetuousness of horses, with their hoofs to the air and nostrils erected, is brought to life in Igor Bogojević’s exceptional drawings.
Bogojević makes use of the ink’s density and of his tracing with a particularly synthetical, agglutinative concern. He evinces an amalgamation of lives in moments where instinct gives room to the intrincacy of motion, and of vigor in forms displayed; it also opens up space to the faultless integrality of the horses and to the conflict revealed in their delinearment – an attribute that have inspired many artists from time to time .
Igor Bogojević successfully interprets place, color and plasticity, fragments, speed, the deterrence brought by the wielding of inks. The pleasant shades of grey help construct the particular , peculiar atmosphere which seems to entice the artist.
The coherence in the course of evolution of his work shall let anyone perceive its natural consistency and incontestable quality."
Athens, July 30th 2004

Daniel Lacomme
"The Art of Igor Bogojevic surprises first by the force of the expression. Then when the subject appears, it surprises us by its imaginative power. But this expressiveness and this imagination are not literary. These are pictorial values first of all. This is one strong work, which prints in our feelings and our memory, as certain dreams which we always remember and which keep more reality than many lived things. The subject as the plastic interest in this painter, in the drawings as in the paintings,is remarkable and is promising for the future."
Paris, 03.07.2011.

Official Web-Site



People Directory

Borislav Stanic

Borislav Stanic is an art-lover who came to L.A. from Belgrade, Yugoslavia (now Serbia), on a visit 23 years ago and decided to stay.

In Europe, he'd been an author and publisher of art books; hoping to find an L.A. museum guide for his own use, he discovered that none existed and decided to fill the gap.

His Los Angeles Attractions (Museon Publishing) is an exhaustive guide to every collection of art, artifacts and vehicles, every historic site, aquarium, botanical garden and zoo he's been able to uncover in Los Angeles County, the world may well conclude that it didn't know the half of it.

Read more ...


The Church at Prayer

by Archimandrite Aimilianos of Simonopetra

Publisher’s note

Many readers of the addresses of Elder Aimilianos, which have been published in the five-volume series, rchimandrite Aimilianos, Spiritual Instructions and Discourses (Ormylia, 1998-2003), have frequently expressed the wish for an abridged and more accessible form of his teaching. In response, we are happy to inaugurate a new series of publications incorporating key texts from the above-mentioned collection. Other considerations have also contributed o this new project, such as the selection of specific texts which address important, contemporary questions; the need for a smaller, more reader-friendly publication format; and the necessity for editing certain passages in need of clarification, without however altering their basic meaning.

Above all, the works collected in this volume reflect the importance which the Elder consistently attached to prayer, spirituality, community life, worship, and liturgy. Thus the experientially based works "On Prayer", and "The Prayer of the Holy Mountain", which deal primarily with the Prayer of the Heart, appear first, followed by the summary addresses on "The Divine Liturgy", and "Our Church Attendance". These are in turn followed by the more socially oriented discourses on "Our Relations with Our Neighbor", and "Marriage: The Great Sacrament". Finally, the present volume closes with the sermons on "Spiritual Reading" and "The Spiritual Life", which in a simple and yet compelling manner set forth the conditions for "ascending to heaven on the wings of the Spirit".

It is our hope that The Church at Prayer will meet the purpose for which it is issued and will serve as a ready aid and support for those who desire God and eternal life in Him.