A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Listen and Ask Questions of Serbian Archeologist

at St. Nikola Church, Brookfield, Illinois

Misko Kaludjerovic, a Serbian archeologist, explored many excavations throughout the Serbian territory which proved to be one of the richest finds in Europe. It is an area of our ancestry where many empires, emperors, rulers, and battles, have taken place. Misko will begin a speaking series, introducing the archeological finds in the places of origin of our parishioners and Sunday School children. Please join us for this most insightful archeological journey with a question and answer session for you to gain additional information about your rich Serbian ancestry.


Miško Kaludjerović, arheolog, učestvovao je u brojnim iskopavanjima na teritoriji Srbije, jednoj od arheološki najbogatijih u Evropi. U oblasti naših predaka nalaze se arheološki ostaci mnogih kultura, naroda, imperija, gradova, bitaka, seoba, careva i vladara.... Tokom ručka posle crkvene službe, u nedelju, 14. decembra u 13 sati, Miško će početi seriju razgovora upoznajući decu iz nedeljne škole i naše parohijane sa arheološkim nalazima iz krajeva odakle potiču. Molimo Vas, učestvujte u ovom uzbudljivom putovanju na krilima arheološke mašte, sa konkretnim pitanjima i odgovorima koji će dodatno obogatiti znanja o Vašem bogatom srpskom poreklu.

Date: December 14, 2014 @ 1:00 P.M.
Location: St Nikola Serbian Orthodox Church
4301 Prairie Ave, Brookfield, Illinois 60513
website: www.stnikolasoc.org/

Special Note: St. Nikola Church would like to encourage parents to enroll their children in the St. Nikola Sunday School program. It is important that your children receive a spiritual and Serbian cultural education. Misko will also be a frequent guest speaker at the St. Nikola Sunday School to discuss the archeological finds of each student's ancestral Serbian towns. There is still time to register your children this school year; classes from grades Pre-K through young adult meet every Sunday. Instructors have lessons prepared to help our young people grow in their Orthodox faith. Prayers in Serbian, Religion and History are taught every Sunday.



People Directory

Zaviša Janjić

Zavisa I. Janjic is a leading scientist with the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. In 2007, Dr. Janjic was awarded the Francis W. Reichelderfer Award from the American Meteorological Society for his outstanding contributions to developments and implementation of the NOAA Environmental Modeling Center's regional weather prediction models (Eta and NMM). The numerical and parameterization schemes he developed ideally combine theoretical and technical solutions, as well as balance between elegance and practicality.

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The Only Begotten and Firstborn among Many Brethren

by Bishop Athanasius Yevtich

In Emmanuel, the second anthology of Bishop Athanasius' articles to appear in English, His Grace explores themes of Orthodox Christology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, and Gnoseology. How can we know Who God is? How can we know who we are, as human persons created in His image and likeness? How can we become one with Him? Bishop Athanasius examines these and other foundational questions in depth in this volume, drawing from a wealth of Scriptural and patristic sources. In discussing diverse theological subjects, he always returns to his overarching theme: the communion that man can have with God through Jesus Christ the God-man, within Christ's Church and above all in the Holy Eucharist. His exquisite and unique way of engaging the reader in mutual dialogue, with the living Eucharistic experience permeating his every thought, instills in the reader a burning desire for that communion.

Contemporary Christian Thought Series, No. 3 - First Edition
229 pages
ISBN 978-0-9719505-4-2