A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Spasoje M. Neskovic

Dr. Neskovic was born in Belgrade, Serbia, in a farmer's family, and he was supposed to continue farming the same way his father, grandfather and grandfather did. But, from may be age 3 he wanted to become a physician or maybe a Serbian priest, but that desire to become a physician was so strong that he never deviated from his original idea which became his lifelong passion and his calling. He remembers clearly when he put on that white coat as a medical student in Belgrade University in 1971, and he still has that real and a very distinct feeling which is hard to explain, and he has that feeling every single time when he puts on his white coat.

His medical practice began in Vukovar and Tovarnik (from 1977 to 1980), and continued in Chicago and Galena, Illinois, Daytona Beach, Florida and Glendale and Burbank, Ca: 1980 till present.

He is a physician for 40 years, and he still cannot believe that! This is such an honor to him to be part of his sacred profession, and he believes that he will never retire, because he loves medicine so much and it is his lifelong passion. A few years ago he became a preceptor in family medicine with mid-Western University, and that became his new passion and he really loves to share his knowledge with young doctors. He always had great respect for Oriental medicine and in June 2015 he became student at Emperor's college for Oriental medicine and acupuncture, and is still learning so much about medicine, and he would love to practice Western and Oriental medicine one day.

Spasoje is married to his wife Gordana and has two sons.

His physical health and emotional and mental and spiritual health was always very important to him, and he completed so far 23 Los Angeles Marathon's, and with a group of friends he does hike almost every week and he conquered also Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Rainier, Mount Shasta, Mount Whitney, Mount Langley, Mount San Jacinto and many other peaks ranging from more than 19,000 feet altitude deal about 7800 feet altitude (which is our local Californian Mount Wilson). His hiking and healthy lifestyle helps him to stay in harmony with the universe and to help nourish his life. He is now 63 years old, and he cannot believe that, because he feels still like he is 27 years old. He is skiing and skateboarding like a young man with his positive mental attitude. Staying healthy is a very serious business, and maybe because of those reasons, he is studying Oriental medicine, trying to understand better the ancient Oriental doctors and their philosophy of healthy living, and what does it really mean "nourishing life".

Professional information:

  • Medical doctor from January 28th 1977, graduated with honors at Medical School, University of Belgrade, Serbia
  • Postgraduate studies about Speech Impairment in Class of  Prof. Dr Brajevic from 1978 to 1979 at University of Belgrade, Serbia
  • Board Certified in Family medicine at University of Illinois, Chicago from 1987
  • Board Certified in Geriatric Medicine at UCLA- University of California Los Angeles from 1993
  • Master of Business Administration- Healthcare Administration at La Sierra University, Riverside, Ca, from 1-4-2007
  • Clinical Assistant Professor Division of Clinical Education at Midwestern University Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine from 11/4/2014 till present
  • In Private Practice and on active medical staff at Glendale Adventist Hospital and Glendale Memorial Hospital from June 22nd 1988, and on medical staff at St Joseph’s Hospital, Burbank, Ca from December 2010
  • Medical Director for Preventive medicine at Glendale Memorial Hospital from 1994 till 2006
  • Secretary Treasurer for Glendale Memorial Hospital for years 2003 and 2004
  • Chairman for CME at Glendale Memorial Hospital from 2007 till 2010
  • Voted two times as Number one Family Doctor in Glendale according to 25,000 Readers of Glendale News Press- Los Angeles Times
  • Tai Chi Instructor for American Arthritis Foundation from 2007
  • Medical Director for All Care Hospice in Glendale, Ca from 2010
  • Certified Health Coach for Take Shape for Life and Medifast Weight Loss Program from 2010
  • Board Eligible and Signed up to take Palliative Care and Hospice Board Exam
  • Student of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture from June 2015 at Emperors College for Oriental medicine in Santa Monica, Ca
  • Skiing Instructor at Mt Baldy skiing resort from 2010 and great skateboarding enthusiast

He considers himself being a Christian physician, and he regularly prays with his patients and he offers prayer to his patients too. And he believes that good religion is always good medicine, and he believes in great powers of prayer and fasting. When his father got his 2nd heart attack about 20 years ago he started his regular weekly fasting on Wednesdays, which last from Tuesday evening till Thursday morning, which is 36 hours and he just drink water and abstains from any food. He considers this weekly fasting as something very, very important for his physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and religious life. He does not understand why more people are not fasting, and why doctors and clergy are not teaching us how to pray and how to fast and why to do it?! He just intuitively knows that prayer and fasting are the most powerful methods to live a healthy and fulfilling life, and he will never stop praying and fasting.

Dr. Neskovic has been Member of the following medical societies:

  • American Academy of Family practice
  • Illinois Medical Society
  • Chicago Medical Society
  • Los Angeles County medical Association
  • American Medical Association

Healthline Radio Show with Dr. Neskovic:

Dr. Neskovic started his own radio show on premier LA Radio station KRLA, 870AM Radio 7 years ago, and had so far 86 shows. He is interviewing with great passion Medical doctors, other health professionals, and even a philosopher Roy Masters. Topics of his shows are all related to body, mind and spiritual approach to modern medicine.

TV Healthline Show with Dr. Neskovic:

Five years ago Dr. Neskovic started his own TV Show, with former Adelphia television, and later with Warner Brother’s cable television. This TV Program is Dr. Neskovic’s great passion, and he is doing it with great pleasure. His weekly TV program is watched by more than 900,000 viewers. We had so far 80 shows. He always invites the most eminent physicians and other health care professionals from Southern California, like:

  • Don Lee, MD, FAAC Clinical Professor of cardiology at USC Medical School
  • Kenneth Frankel, MD, FAAP Professor of Pathology at USC Medical School
  • Petar Vukasin, MD Assistant Clinical Professor ColoRectal Surgery at USC
  • Milton Louie, MD Chief of Staff Glendale Memorial Hospital
  • Jonathan Fielding, MD, Medical Director for Infectious diseases control at LA County
  • Onkar Marwah, MD, FAAC Assistant Clinical Proffesor of Cardiology at USC
  • Father Mark Jaufman, Pastor at Glendale Memorial Hospital
  • Jack Yu, MD, AAFP, AQGM Associate Clinical Professor at Loma Linda Medical School, and GAH Family Practice Residency Program

Dr. Neskovic’s Web sites:

  • www.glendaledoc.com
  • www.glendaleadventist.com
  • www.glendalememorial.com
  • http://www2.providence.org/saintjoseph/pages/default.asp
  • http://www.yelp.com/biz/dr-s-mike-neskovic-glendale
  • http://www.facebook.com/pages/Glendale-Doctor-Dr-Mike-Neskovic-MD-AAFP/141325185928047?sk=info
  • http://www.linkedin.com/home?trk=hb_tab_home_top

Neskovich says, “My favorite part in the Bible is from 1 Corinthians 13: Poem about love, and I would like to start a college course and to teach young people about hope, faith and love. And I'm puzzled why more people are not teaching us on those very important topics. I have more dreams and aspirations and I would love all of them to become reality, but wise people say that we have never enough love and time. But it is all a big paradox and actually when we have passion and love for something we will always have a lots of time too, just about whole lifetime that we have. So far, my last 39 years being a family physician and geriatrician, was a fantastic journey through life and I would choose it again if I could. And I remember a few years ago was a day when I noticed that I spent more of my life in United States than in my beloved Serbia and Srem. And I'm thinking more and more lately to go back and to be with my people and place where I was born, but my people and place where my children are born is here in USA, California. And as old doctor and father of modern medicine Hippocrates wisely said: Life is short, and Art long; the crisis fleeting; experience perilous, and decision difficult.  So, we all have free choice to do anything we wish, and what should we do? I think that we should follow our heart and our gut feeling, and if we have children we should stay close by and help them, not only till age 21 when they supposedly become adults, but until our last breath. And we should continue to have positive mental attitude, to cherish good emotions, to eat healthy food, to do regular exercise, and yes we should never retire and we should continue to do something useful for other people until the last day of our life. This simple philosophy of life was good to me so far, and I do not foresee any reasons to change this philosophy, and God willing this should be a good life on the end. Cheers and God bless!”

Dr. Neskovic got a blessing from our Bishop Maxim, and he visited Hilandar Monastery in September 2019. Shortly after, he was accepted to be a Member of Hilandar Volunteer physician Society on October 4th, 2019, volunteer physician number 523. He is already booked to be a physician on call for 7 days in Hilandar Monastery starting on September 24th, 2020. Dr. Neskovic said that his dream came through and that he will be coming to volunteer more and more at Hilandar, and this experience already helped him to be a better physician. Good Religion is always good medicine, said Dr. Neskovic, and he is regularly recommending to his patients to Pray to God and to Fast, and to go regularly to Church. Being a physician in the USA for the last 40 years, Dr. Neskovic is helping with love and compassion for all of his patients, and especially our Serbian people. He has been also the personal physician for our local priests and clergy and for five of our Serbian Bishops too, which he considers a very special honor and an important duty!


Board Certified Family Physician and Geriatrician
500 E Olive Ave #750, Burbank, Ca, 91501
Phone: 818-244 4114
Fax: 818-861 7434
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People Directory

Marko Dapcevich

Marko Dapcevich (born 1969) is a former mayor of Sitka, Alaska. He is an "Honored Member" of a United Nations group, signed the US Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement, which is part of the Kyoto Protocol, and spoke out against Touchstone Pictures' non-use of Sitka for The Proposal. Dapcevich has testified before the Alaskan state Senate Finance Committee and has run for the Alaska State Legislature, District 2.


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