A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Boris Malagurski

Boris Malagurski (Serbian Cyrillic: Борис Малагурски; born 11 August 1988) is a Serbian-Canadian film director, producer, writer, television host and activist.

Born to Branislav Malagurski and Slavica Malagurski, Boris grew up in the northern Serbian town of Subotica. In an interview for Literární noviny, Prague's cultural and political journal, Malagurski said that his last name originates from the Polish town of Mała Góra, noting that in the 17th century, a soldier from that town fought under the command of Prince Eugene of Savoy against the Turks in the Battle of Senta and afterwards decided to stay in Subotica, which is now in the Serbian province of Vojvodina.

Malagurski emigrated to Canada in 2005 and made a documentary film about his move from Serbia called The Canada Project. Excerpts from the film were shown on Serbian National Television, as a part of Mira Adanja-Polak's TV show. Since then, Malagurski identifies himself as Serbian Canadian. While studying Film Production at the University of British Columbia, Malagurski organized protests in Vancouver against Kosovo's declaration of independence and received help from Canadian journalist Scott Taylor and Irish diplomat Mary Walsh in making his film about Kosovo. Malagurski became a Canadian citizen and remained in Canada until 2011, when he returned to work in Serbia.

In 2010, the newspaper Politika described Malagurski as the "Serbian Michael Moore", though Malagurski himself had spoken of his use of "Michael Moore post-production techniques", earlier in the same year. The description was taken up by many other media outlets.


Kosovo: Can You Imagine?
In 2009, Malagurski released Kosovo: Can You Imagine?, a documentary film about the plight of Serb communities living in Kosovo at that time. Former Canadian general Lewis MacKenzie, former Canadian diplomat James Byron Bissett, former UNMIK officer John Hawthorne and economist Michel Chossudovsky are interviewed in the film.

The Weight of Chains
In 2010, Malagurski released The Weight of Chains, his documentary film analyzing the role that the United States, NATO and the European Union allegedly played in the breakup of Yugoslavia. The film features interviews with James Byron Bissett, John Bosnitch, Michel Chossudovsky, Vlade Divac, Branislav Lečić, Veran Matić, John Perkins general Lewis MacKenzie and others. The film was shown in cinemas in Australia, Canada, the United States and Serbia, also at the festivals listed below, and on RT and Eurochannel TV networks.

The Presumption of Justice
Malagurski co-directed (with Ivana Rajović), The Presumption of Justice in 2012, a documentary dealing with the September 2009 death of Brice Taton, a fan of Toulouse FC, and alleged inconsistencies in the subsequent court case in Serbia. The film had its broadcasting premiere in April 2013 as a part of Malagurski's TV show on Happy TV which also featured an interview with a man who claimed to have witnessed the event, but who had not been called to testify.

Malagurski's next film Belgrade, (also known as Belgrade with Boris Malagurski), a documentary about Belgrade, the capital of Serbia had its world premiere on 19 October 2013 at Sava Centar in Belgrade and was aired on Radio Television Serbia on 20 October 2014. The film features interviews with several prominent Belgraders, including tennis player Novak Djokovic.

The Weight of Chains 2
The Weight of Chains 2 was released in 2014 as a part of the Serbian Film Festival at Montecasino in Johannesburg, South Africa. It features interviews with Noam Chomsky, Carla Del Ponte, Mlađan Dinkić, Vuk Jeremić, Ivo Josipović, Slavko Kulić, Miroslav Lazanski, Michael Parenti, Oliver Stone, R. James Woolsey and others. The film discusses the effects of neoliberal reforms on all aspects of life in the former Yugoslavia, from politics, economics, military, culture and education to the media.


From 2013 to 2015, Malagurski hosted Revolution, a weekly TV show on Happy TV. The show, featured documentary segments and interviews with state officials, foreign and local experts and ordinary citizens of Serbia, until it was cancelled in January 2015. Malagurski claimed Happy TV gave no official reason for the show's cancellation.

In 2015, Malagurski started work as executive producer and host of a new TV show, Global, on BN TV, which deals with "global topics from a domestic perspective."

Malagurski also occasionally appears on RT, to comment on Balkan topics. During the 2014 Southeast Europe floods, Malagurski reported for Happy TV from several flooded areas in Serbia and, notably, presented the stories of Serbs and Croats working together to help the victims in Obrenovac, which attracted attention from both Serbian and Croatian media outlets.


Malagurski has written articles for the Politika daily newspaper and the political magazine New Serbian political thought.

In an interview for Marin Marinković's talk show One On One on Alternativna TV, Malagurski identified himself as being left-leaning, adding that he "supports protests as a form of pressure on governments" and that "elections are important, but democracy works only if we create the conditions under which any elected official will have to make decisions". Malagurski believes that "every government makes decisions in favor of the people only when in fear of the public reaction".

As a critic of neoliberalism, Malagurski believes that "resistance to neoliberalism is no longer a matter of ideology, but of common sense", and he advocates the inclusion of young people in politics, noting that most people in Serbia who share similar problems aren't united and can't recognize their common interest.

In October 2011, Malagurski showed his film The Weight of Chains at the Jarinje barricades on the Kosovo-Serbia border,[49] which he said was a show of support for the Serbs fighting for their rights in the disputed province.

In June 2012, Malagurski took part in a protest in front of the Radio Television Serbia building, that called for an end to "organized media darkness" in Serbia and requested the airing of Malagurski's film The Weight of Chains on Serbia's public broadcaster. In front of 200 protesters, Malagurski said that Aleksandar Tijanić, the director of RTS, had told him that despite positive reviews, The Weight of Chains couldn't be aired on RTS because it had already been aired on Happy TV, Malagurski claimed only clips had been shown, which he corroborated with documents from Happy TV. Malagurski also claimed that "Serbia is the only country in the region and in almost all of Europe, where The Weight of Chains has not been shown by the national public broadcaster".

Malagurski has given speeches about Balkan political issues, specifically on the future status of Kosovo. These include student and public forums at the University of Belgrade and elsewhere.

Threats controversy

In September 2012, Malagurski and Ivana Rajović (co-director), filed a criminal investigation request at Belgrade public prosecutor's office against 12 members of an internet message board for alleged "organized threats to their life and personal and professional safety", made on the message board after the premiere of The Presumption of Justice. Three of the 12 were charged and found guilty in March 2014 at the trial court in Belgrade, each was sentenced to a year in prison, suspended for 3 years of probation. Malagurski's actions and the court's decisions were criticised by Milica Jovanović, and Dario Hajrić[59] writing in Peščanik, and Jovana Gligorijević, writing in Vreme. Malagurski replied in responses published by Vreme in March 2014 and by NSPM in April 2014. Historian Čedomir Antić criticised Malagurski's accusers in an op-ed in Politika.

Kostić allegations

In January 2013, after an interview for Malagurski's TV show Revolution with Vesna Kostić of the World Bank office in Belgrade was broadcast, Kostić complained that Malagurski had "forged" a conversation in the broadcast. Malagurski denied the claims, adding that Ms. Kostic "forgot how she answered the questions".


  • The Canada Project (2005)
  • Kosovo: Can You Imagine? (2009)
  • The Weight of Chains (2010)
  • The Presumption of Justice (2012)
  • Belgrade (2013)
  • The Weight of Chains 2 (2014)

Television series

  • Revolution (2013–2015)
  • Global (2015–present)

Festival screenings

  • 2005, The Canada Project and Vreme Je in 'Young European Filmmakers' at the Palić Film Festival in Palić, Serbia
  • 2009, Kosovo: Can You Imagine?, at the Mexico International Film Festival 2009, Rosarito, Mexico.
  • 2009, Kosovo: Can You Imagine? at the BridgeFest International Film Festival, East Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • 2011, The Weight of Chains at the International Festival of New Latin American Cinema, Havana, Cuba
  • 2011, The Weight of Chains at the Moving Images Film Festival, Toronto, Canada
  • 2011, The Weight of Chains at the BELDOCS International Feature Documentary Film Festival, Belgrade, Serbia. Also, as part of 'Beldocs eho', in Novi Sad, Zrenjanin, Kragujevac, Niš, Vršac and Aleksinac, Serbia.
  • 2011, The Weight of Chains in 'Balkan Cinema Strand' at the Raindance Film Festival, London, United Kingdom
  • 2013, Belgrade at the Serbian Film Festival at Montecasino in Johannesburg, South Africa
  • 2014, The Weight of Chains at the Balkan New Film Festival in Oslo, Norway
  • 2014, The Weight of Chains 2 at the Serbian Film Festival at Montecasino in Johannesburg, South Africa
  • 2015, The Weight of Chains 2 at the Balkan New Film Festival in Oslo, Norway
  • 2015 The Weight of Chains 2 at the Subversive Festival in Zagreb, Croatia
  • 2015, The Weight of Chains 2 at the Raindance Film Festival in London, United Kingdom


2009, Silver Palm Award (one of 14 films awarded in the Student Film category) for Kosovo: Can You Imagine? at the Mexico International Film Festival 2009, Rosarito, Mexico.

Source: Wikipedia



People Directory

Бобан Марјановић

Бобан Марјановић (Зајечар, 15. август 1988) је српски кошаркаш. Игра на позицији центра, а тренутно је члан Детроит пистонса. Са 222 cm висине један је од највиших кошаркаша у свим такмичењима у којима наступа.

Поред велике висине одликује га изузетна снага, али и мека рука приликом шута, те су му проценти шута споља као слободних бацања веома добри са обзиром да игра на позицији центра. У досадашњој каријери наступао је за: Хемофарм, ЦСКА Москву, Жалгирис, Нижњи Новгород, Раднички Крагујевац, Мега Визуру, Црвену звезду и Сан Антонио спарсе. Три пута је био најкориснији играч Кошаркашке лиге Србије. Двоструки је члан идеалне петорке Јадранске лиге. Четири пута је био МВП кола Евролиге, а проглашен је и за најкориснијег играча прве фазе Евролиге као и члан идеалне петорке у сезони 2014/15. У тој сезони успео је да обори три рекорда у историји Евролиге и то: број остварених дабл-даблова у једној сезони (16), укупан број скокова у једној сезони (256) као и укупан индекс корисности у једној сезони и то 616. Био је део најуспешније генерације у историји Црвене звезде која је успела да освоји триплу круну у сезони 2014/15.

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Савремени еклисиолошки подсетник о Дијаспори

Историја и анализа тзв. „Америчког раскола“ (1963-1992) и предлози за његово превазилажење

Епископ Атанасије (Јевтић)

У издању Севастијан преса из Лос Анђелеса и Братства Св. Симона Мироточивог из Врњачке Бање, недавно је изашла нова књига Атанасија (Јевтића), умировљеног Владике херцеговачког, Савремени еклисиолошки подсетник о Дијаспори - Историја и анализа тзв. „Америчког раскола“ (1963-1992) и предлози за његово превазилажење.

Текст ове књиге је написан сада већ далеке 1990.године, и до данас био необјављен будући да је само за Синодске Оце Архијереје био намењен ради превазилажења тзв. „Америчког раскола“. Данас, када је тај српски раскол литургијски и административно превазиђен, сасвим је разумљиво и пожељно било да се овај текст предочи јавности.

На молбу Светог Архијерејског Синода, ондашњи јеромонах Атанасије је сва питања везана за болни раскол у српској дијаспори ставио под светлост православне Еклисиологије и Предања, што је био једини начин за њихово суочавање како би се дошло што ближе до зацељивања раскола. Читалац ће приметити како је он савесно и непристрасно проанализирао цело питање раскола и дао целисходне икономијске предлоге за његово решење. Ова књига је резултат његовог савесног христољубивог и црквољубивог рада.

Конкретан резултат Атанасијевог еклисиолошког предлога била је обнова евхаристијског општења и помирења које је постигнуто на празник Сретења Господњег, 15. фебруара 1992. године у Саборној Цркви у Београду, када су Српски Патријарх Павле и чланови Светог Архијерејског Сабора служили са Митрополитом Иринејем (Ковачевићем), дотадашњим епископом у расколу. Коначно, 21. маја 2009. године, Свети Архијерејски Сабор је донео одлуку и о коначном административном јединству Српске Цркве у Северној и Јужној Америци.

Истовремено, ова књига осветљава битно питање Дијаспоре. Дијаспора је пред Православну Цркву поставила два битна проблема: питање провере исправности нашег схватања Цркве, оног које се у последњим вековима код многих од нас усталило, и питање мисије Цркве у свету.

Књига је изашла са благословом Епископа новограчаничког и средњезападноамеричког Лонгина и Епископа западноамеричког Максима.

Књигу можете наручити по цени од $15 код:
Western American Diocese
1621 West Garvey Avenue Alhambra CA, 91803
847 571-3600, 626 289 9061, 626 284 1484 (fax), Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Contemporary Ecclesiological Reminderon the Diaspora:
History and analysis of so called “American schism” (1963-1992) and recommendations for its overcoming

by Bishop Athanasius (Yevtich)

Recently, a new book by Athanasius (Yevtich), retired Bishop of Herzegovina, was published in Serbian by Sebastian Press of Los Angeles in cooperation with St. Simeon the Myrrh-streaming of Vrnjacka Banja.

This book was written in a now already distant year of 1990. This is its first publishing since the original intent was to have it available only for the hierarchs of the Holy Synod for the purpose of overcoming the so-called “American schism” within the Serbian diaspora. Presently, as the Serbian schism has been liturgically and administratively vanquished, it is understandable and desirable to have this valuable research available to the public.

At the request of the Holy Synod, back then hieromonk Atanasije acceded to collect all relevant documents in reference to painful schism in Serbian Diaspora, placing them in the light of Orthodox Ecclesiology and Holy Tradition, which was the only way to face it properly and bring it closer to healing.The readers will notice how Bishop Atanasije analyzed responsibly, and impartially the whole question of schism, and at the same time provided comprehensive, integral and thorough ecclesial economy, recomendations for solutions.This book is the result of his Christ-loving and Church-loving labor.

A tangible result of Atanasije's ecclesiological recommendation was the Eucharistic renewal, communion, and reconciliation which was established on the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple, February 15, 1992. At the Cathedral in Belgrade, His Holiness Patriarch Paul and hierarchs of the Holy Episcopal Assembly celebrated for the first time together since the schism, with Metropolitan Iriney (Kovacevic), up until then, schismatic bishop in Diaspora.Finally, on May 21, 2009, the Holy Assembly made a decission about conclusive administrative unity of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America.

In the same time this book reveals crucial question regarding Diaspora, because ecclesial organization of the Orthodox Church abroad presents itself with at least two problems: a) a check-up of our interpretation and comprehension of the Church, especifically of the last couple of centuries existing convictions, and b) a question of the Church mission in the World.

This book is published with the blessings of His Grace, Bishop Longin of New Gracanica - Midwestern America, and His Grace, Bishop Maxim of Western American Diocese, of the Serbian Orthodox Church for North and South America.

Price $15

Call us today with your order!
Western American Diocese
1621West Garvey Avenue Alhambra CA, 91803
847 571-3600, 626 289 9061, 626 284 1484 (fax), Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Visit our online store at http://westsrbdio.org/en/sebastian-press/sebastian-press-publications