A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Luka Erceg

Luka Erceg, JD, LLM, MBA, CIRA

Luka Erceg is a Canadian-born, American entrepreneur who has focused on sustainable/clean tech ventures. He holds a Juris Doctorate (J.D.), Master of Laws (LL.M.), Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), and Bachelor of Marketing (B.Com.). He is a Certified Turnaround Professional (C.T.P) through the Turnaround Management Association (T.M.A.), a Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (C.I.R.A.) through the Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Advisors (A.I.R.A.) and holds the Series 65 license from the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA).

On January 11, 2018, Luka suffered a left-shoulder disarticulation (amputation) due to a flesh-eating bacterial infection brought on from the ingestion of bad oysters. Since losing his arm, he has been witnessing discrimination firsthand as he works to re-enter the U.S. economy. Recently, he was recognized globally by the LinkedIn News Team for his post on inclusiveness and bankruptcy in the matter of the Cirque du Soleil bankruptcy, as found on his LinkedIn profile. Previously, Scientific American published his blog article “I lost my arm to microbes but they can save the world”, found here: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/i-lost-my-arm-to-microbes-but-they-can-save-the-world/, on his tragic experience but the nonetheless ongoing importance of nature and microbiology in addressing global waste problems, and has also written about inclusiveness in the workplace for disabled persons in Ability Magazine, found here: https://abilitymagazine.com/inclusiveness-and-apathy-in-the-workplace/.

Luka has been written about in Forbes, FastCompany, The Economist, Scientific American, and numerous other publications. In addition, he has also testified before the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate on separate occasions. The first company he founded was almost acquired by Tesla before investors rejected the offer.



People Directory

Milica Paranosic

Critically acclaimed composer Milica Paranosic has established herself as one of New York’s finest and most daring composers, performance artists, producers, and technologists. Her music was described as “Amazing…astonishing,” (The New York Times), “Like liquor-filled pralines,” (Germany’s Morgenpost), and “A painter, musical Jackson Pollack,” (SEAMUS). Milica’s works range from one-woman multimedia shows and sound installations to operatic and symphonic works. Inspired by her travels and international collaborations, Milica imaginatively incorporates music of her Serbian homeland in addition to cross-continental muses such as Brazil, Ghana and China, always striving to create new sound worlds in which contrasting concepts vividly coexist in unique textures.

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Western American Diocese - Annual 2013

2013 marked several momentous occasions: 50 years of the founding of the Western American Diocese, 150 years of the birth of Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovich, Holy Apostle to the Americas, 1700 years of the Edict of Milan, and a special tribute to Nikola Tesla! Our main focus during this three-day Jubilee Celebration was on the freedom to pursue our faith since the time of Constantine 1700 years ago and how to better live a spiritual life.

As a special tribute, a beautiful commemorative edition of the Annual was prepared, which reflects the History of the Western American Diocese! It is adorned with beautiful photographs and historical articles from our parishes and monateries! It also showcases the wonderful work that has been done over the past year throughout our Diocese and information about our many ongoing ministries. This publicaton also includes a Directory of Parishes.

There are two version of this publication available. Our Hardcover version sells for $15. Our Softcover version sells for $10 and includes Ads & Greetings from families and businesses throughout our Diocese.