A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Available Back Issues 2008

SERB WORLD USA March/April 2008 Vol. XXIV, no. 4

  • “Kosovo Plain: The Balkan Crossroads” by Dr. Vojislav Radovanovic (1925), translated by Serb World U.S.A.
  • “The Diverse Land of Kosovo-Metohija” a map drawn by Philip D. Hart
  • “1925: More about Kosovo”
  • “Mary Budimirovich Korach: One of the ‘Greatest Generation’”
  • “Letters to Jovan” Jovan Radovich’s letters from Kameno, Herceg Novi, in 1895
  • “Of Interest” a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards
  • Recipe: “‘Kifle,’ Classic Serbian Pastry”
  • “Milan Opacich Presents ‘The Legendary Steve Makarevich’”
  • “‘My Crna Gora,’ a poem” by Collin Janich
  • “The ‘Guslar’ and the ‘Vila’: A Tale from Old Serbia” by Martin D. Bassar, illustrations by B. Malczewski
  • “‘Coup d’Etat’ on the Eve of War: March 27, 1941” by Philip D. Hart
  • “Zivan Knezevich: a short biography”
  • “Repudiation of the Tripartite Pact by the Serbian People” by Colonel Zivan Knezevich

SERB WORLD USA January/February 2008 Vol. XXIV, no. 3

  • “The Danube: War, Commerce, and Regulation” by Philip D. Hart
  • “The Danube River and the Danube States” a map drawn by Philip D. Hart
  • “Milo J. Radulovich: ‘Glory to him... he, indeed, had reason to be born.’—Njegoss” by George J. Vuckovich
  • “Cveta Popovich and His Postcard Collection”
  • “Postcards from Cveta Popovich: The 1912 Sokol Festival in Prague” from the Cveta and Milosh Popovich Collection
  • “1929: Serbians, Noted for Their Valor, Make Good Indianapolis Citizens” by Grace Blaisdell Holden, “Indianapolis Sunday Star,” November 29, 1929
  • “Of Interest” a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards
  • “Mary Nicklanovich (1919-2007): recipes and much more”
  • Recipe: “Apple Strudel”
  • “From Glusac’s ‘The Music of Yugoslavia’— ‘Ej, salasi’” a song from the collection of Peter Glusac, translation by Serb World U.S.A.
  • “Milan Opacich Presents ‘Tamburitza Jammin’ in Tonawanda’”
  • “Serbs ‘Tops’ Down Under” by Holly Sakrison Clark
  • “From Cetinje to San Diego: The Long Journey of Father B. Draskovic” by Marsha Jovanovic
  • “More About the Sajkas Battalion: Its Officers and Their Service”
  • “South Slav Officers: a list from the Sajkas Battalion (1763-1872)” from a document published by S. Gavrilovic, trans. from German by G. Kosich



People Directory

Sedam generala srpskog porekla

piše: Marko Lopušina

Admiral Stevan Mandarić bio je ratni heroj i osvajač Japana, a Rudolf Ostović sa 35 godina najmlađi američki general i savetnik Kolina Pauela. Tereza Đurić ušla u anale američke vojske - 2008. postala je brigadni general.

SVAKAKO najpoznatiji srpski oficir u Americi bio je admiral Stevan Mandarić. Ovaj potomak naših iseljenika rođen je 1911. u Feniksu. Njegov otac Samojlo Mandarić došao je iz Vrepca u Liki, a majka Sofija rođena je u Slavoniji. Još u srednjoj školi Stevan je postao posvećen vojsci kao "haj skul kadet". Sa 14 godina, tvrdeći da ima 18, priključio se Nacionalnoj gardi. Istovremeno je radio u novinama u Freznou kao reporter. Tri godine kasnije postao je narednik u Nacionalnoj gardi. Bio je jedan od retkih Srba koji su završili Pomorsku akademiju u Anapolisu, u državi Merilend.

Kada je kalifornijski kongresmen Barbur postavio 18-godišnjeg Stevana Mandarića u američku Pomorsku akademiju 1929. godine, niko nije mogao zamisliti šta će sve tog mladića čekati u tri decenije dugoj pomorskoj karijeri.

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The Church at Prayer

by Archimandrite Aimilianos of Simonopetra

Publisher’s note

Many readers of the addresses of Elder Aimilianos, which have been published in the five-volume series, rchimandrite Aimilianos, Spiritual Instructions and Discourses (Ormylia, 1998-2003), have frequently expressed the wish for an abridged and more accessible form of his teaching. In response, we are happy to inaugurate a new series of publications incorporating key texts from the above-mentioned collection. Other considerations have also contributed o this new project, such as the selection of specific texts which address important, contemporary questions; the need for a smaller, more reader-friendly publication format; and the necessity for editing certain passages in need of clarification, without however altering their basic meaning.

Above all, the works collected in this volume reflect the importance which the Elder consistently attached to prayer, spirituality, community life, worship, and liturgy. Thus the experientially based works "On Prayer", and "The Prayer of the Holy Mountain", which deal primarily with the Prayer of the Heart, appear first, followed by the summary addresses on "The Divine Liturgy", and "Our Church Attendance". These are in turn followed by the more socially oriented discourses on "Our Relations with Our Neighbor", and "Marriage: The Great Sacrament". Finally, the present volume closes with the sermons on "Spiritual Reading" and "The Spiritual Life", which in a simple and yet compelling manner set forth the conditions for "ascending to heaven on the wings of the Spirit".

It is our hope that The Church at Prayer will meet the purpose for which it is issued and will serve as a ready aid and support for those who desire God and eternal life in Him.


415 E Mabel St
Tuscon, AZ 85705-7489
tel: 520 624 4887