A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Available Back Issues 2005

SERB WORLD U.S.A. November/December 2005 vol. XXII, no. 2

  • "The Pearl of Bosnia: Ilidza Spa 1897" by Heinrich Renner (1897), translated from German by George Kosich
  • "Spas of Serbia"
  • "Map: Serbia’s Spas" drawn by Philip D. Hart
  • "More About Serbia’s Spas"
  • "Lee Angelich: Memories of Sports, Family, and Those Along the Way" by Cathy Angelich-Esajian with Lee Angelich
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Christmas Friendship Wreath, Prijateljski Vjenac"
  • "Milan Opacich Presents 'Traveling Tamburasi: Then and Now'" a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "From Glusac’s 'The Music of Yugoslavia'—Sliku tvoju ljubim" a song from the collection of Peter Glusac, translation by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "A Different Kind of Christmas" by Mitchell Soso, Ph.D.
  • "Travnik 1936-1939 'Always on My Mind'"by Milan M. Radovich
  • "Montenegro 1877" by William E. Gladstone. Preface by Stephen Stepanchev.
  • "Map: Montenegro 1877" drawn by Philip D. Hart

SERB WORLD U.S.A. September/October 2005 vol. XXII, no. 1

  • "Life in Old Dalmatia" by K. Menger, P. Tartaglia, F. Freiherrn von Gondola, H. von Guttenberg, and F. Zikmundowsky (1892), translated from German by George Kosich
  • "The Liaison: Sam Papich, the FBI, and the CIA" by Philip D. Hart
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Kastradina (Boiled Dinner with Smoked Kid)"
  • "Christmas Gift Ideas 2005"
  • "Milan Opacich presents: The Manojlovic Family of Canada" a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "Lackawanna: Serbs and Steel in America’s Industrial Melting Pot" by Mary Nicklanovich Hart
  • "A Glimpse of Old Lackawanna" by Mary Nicklanovich Hart
  • "1914: Lackawanna Donates to World War I" a list transcribed from Cyrillic and alphabetized by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "1920 U. S. Census: A Look at Lackawanna’s 1st Ward a list compiled by Serb World U.S.A.
  • The Little Singing Frog" a folk tale adapted from a folk tale in P. Fillmore’s The Laughing Prince. Drawings by B. Malczewski
  • "From Glusac’s 'The Music of Yugoslavia'—Sto to bruji" a song from the collection of Peter Glusac, translation by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "More Memoirs from the Not-Too-Distant Frontier" by Alex N. Dragnich

SERB WORLD U.S.A. July/August 2005 vol. XXI, no. 6

  • "Zagorje: From Sarajevo South through a Land of Unconquered Heights" by Janos Asboth (1888), translated from German by George Kosich
  • "Map: South from Sarajevo, Zagorje 1888" drawn by Philip D. Hart
  • "About Zagorje and Borderlands"
  • "The Bachich Family and Their Fellow-Serbs of Barberton, Ohio" by George Bachich
  • "The Barberton Birds: Southern food guy goes North for fried chicken" by John T. Edge
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Turska Kafa, A Serbian Tradition"
  • "Milan Opacich Presents 'The Transcending Tambura: Then and Now'" a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "From Glusac’s ''The Music of Yugoslavia'—Oj, Jelo, Jelo" a song from the collection of Peter Glusac, translation by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "Nenad Mirkovich, artist with a thousand faces" by Mary Nicklanovich Hart
  • "St. Nicholas Parish 1905-2005: Wilmerding to Monroeville" by Mary Nicklanovich Hart
  • "1914: Serbs of the Wilmerding Area" list transcribed from Cyrillic and alphabetized by Serb World U.S.A.

SERB WORLD U.S.A. May/June 2005 vol. XXI, no. 5

  • "Srem in 1902: The Enchanting Beauty of a Land Blessed by Nature" by Hinko Hranilovic (1902), translated from German by George Kosich
  • "Srem 1900" a map drawn by Philip D. Hart
  • "More on Places and Monasteries in Srem"
  • "Troubled Times the lives of Count Brankovic (1645-1711) and Patriarch Arsenije III (1633-1706)"
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Brodet, Adriatic Fisherman’s-Style Halibut"
  • "The Prosvjeta Society 1902-1949 literacy and education for the Serbs of Bosnia-Hercegovina"
  • "Milan Opacich Presents: Bass, Beges, or Berda" a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "From Glusac’s 'The Music of Yugoslavia'—Bez tebe draga" a song from the collection of Peter Glusac, translation by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "The Secret of Beauty: the princess and the dove" based on a folk tale in P. Fillmore’s The Laughing Prince, drawings by B. Malczewski
  • "Our Other Brother, George" by Mitchell Soso, Ph.D.
  • "Windsor: Remembering the Serbs and their Hotels" by Rade (Roy) Bielich
  • "Tesla, California: Coal Mining and a San Francisco Scandal" by Philip D. Hart

SERB WORLD U.S.A. March/April 2005 vol. XXI, no. 4

  • "Banat: The Temesvar and Torontal Districts of Old" by Eugen Szentklary (1891), translated from German by George Kosich
  • "Banat 1890" a map drawn by Philip D. Hart
  • "More about the Serbian Banat"
  • "Milan Opacich Presents: A Serb in Sweden—Theo Radic" a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "Happy 90th Birthday, Nick 'Jumbo' Strincevich" from the 'Breakfast Bunch' and by Ted Erceg
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "My Favorite Easter Torte" from Nana V.
  • "From Glusac’s 'The Music of Yugoslavia'—Kad ja gledam zoru" a song from the collection of Peter Glusac, translation by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "Vineyards and Graveyards" by M. Katanic
  • "Artist Sam Vance"
  • "They Came from Vojvodina"
  • "1914: Vojvodina’s Serbs in America’s Cities" list transcribed from Cyrillic and alphabetized by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "To the Tenth Generation: The Extended Family, the Rod" by Dr. Milenko Filipovic (1958), translated by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "The Ancient Olive in Montenegro"

SERB WORLD U.S.A. January/February 2005 vol. XXI, no. 3

  • "The Bosnian Way: everyday life in the land of time-honored traditions" by Dr. Ciro Truhelka (1901), translated from German by George Kosich
  • "The “Sloboda” Federation: a short history by Branko Pekic (1922)" translated by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "Michael Glusac: Michigan Native in the Heritage Hall of Fame"
  • "Clans and Clansmen: the historic clans of Montenegro & Hercegovina" by Dr. Milenko Filipovic (1958), translated by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Projara-zeljanica—Spinach Cornbread"
  • "Milan Opacich Presents: Balkan Cabaret" a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "From Glusac’s 'The Music of Yugoslavia'—Milkina Kuca" a song from the collection of Peter Glusac, translation by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "Belgrade’s Breweries and BIP" by George Kosich, formerly of Schlitz, Blatz, and Pabst, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • "Vajfert and Bajloni: Belgrade Brewers and Much More"
  • "Wisconsin and Serbs"
  • "1914: Serbs in Wisconsin" list transcribed from Cyrillic and alphabetized by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "San Francisco’s Yugoslav Pioneers" by Milla Zenovich Logan (1949)
  • "Grottos and Grills: Yugoslavs and Restaurants in 1949 San Francisco" from the Jugoslav American Herald, 1949
  • "Booths for Ladies" a short story by Milla Zenovich Logan (1949), drawings by B. Malczewski
  • "Medieval Splendor: Serbian Jewelry Blending East and West"



People Directory

Sedam generala srpskog porekla

piše: Marko Lopušina

Admiral Stevan Mandarić bio je ratni heroj i osvajač Japana, a Rudolf Ostović sa 35 godina najmlađi američki general i savetnik Kolina Pauela. Tereza Đurić ušla u anale američke vojske - 2008. postala je brigadni general.

SVAKAKO najpoznatiji srpski oficir u Americi bio je admiral Stevan Mandarić. Ovaj potomak naših iseljenika rođen je 1911. u Feniksu. Njegov otac Samojlo Mandarić došao je iz Vrepca u Liki, a majka Sofija rođena je u Slavoniji. Još u srednjoj školi Stevan je postao posvećen vojsci kao "haj skul kadet". Sa 14 godina, tvrdeći da ima 18, priključio se Nacionalnoj gardi. Istovremeno je radio u novinama u Freznou kao reporter. Tri godine kasnije postao je narednik u Nacionalnoj gardi. Bio je jedan od retkih Srba koji su završili Pomorsku akademiju u Anapolisu, u državi Merilend.

Kada je kalifornijski kongresmen Barbur postavio 18-godišnjeg Stevana Mandarića u američku Pomorsku akademiju 1929. godine, niko nije mogao zamisliti šta će sve tog mladića čekati u tri decenije dugoj pomorskoj karijeri.

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The Church at Prayer

by Archimandrite Aimilianos of Simonopetra

Publisher’s note

Many readers of the addresses of Elder Aimilianos, which have been published in the five-volume series, rchimandrite Aimilianos, Spiritual Instructions and Discourses (Ormylia, 1998-2003), have frequently expressed the wish for an abridged and more accessible form of his teaching. In response, we are happy to inaugurate a new series of publications incorporating key texts from the above-mentioned collection. Other considerations have also contributed o this new project, such as the selection of specific texts which address important, contemporary questions; the need for a smaller, more reader-friendly publication format; and the necessity for editing certain passages in need of clarification, without however altering their basic meaning.

Above all, the works collected in this volume reflect the importance which the Elder consistently attached to prayer, spirituality, community life, worship, and liturgy. Thus the experientially based works "On Prayer", and "The Prayer of the Holy Mountain", which deal primarily with the Prayer of the Heart, appear first, followed by the summary addresses on "The Divine Liturgy", and "Our Church Attendance". These are in turn followed by the more socially oriented discourses on "Our Relations with Our Neighbor", and "Marriage: The Great Sacrament". Finally, the present volume closes with the sermons on "Spiritual Reading" and "The Spiritual Life", which in a simple and yet compelling manner set forth the conditions for "ascending to heaven on the wings of the Spirit".

It is our hope that The Church at Prayer will meet the purpose for which it is issued and will serve as a ready aid and support for those who desire God and eternal life in Him.


415 E Mabel St
Tuscon, AZ 85705-7489
tel: 520 624 4887