A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Available Back Issues 2000

SERB WORLD U.S.A. November/December 2000 vol. XVII, no. 2

  • "The Railway Special" by William Jovanovich
  • "The Lost History of Gavrilo Princip" by David DeVoss
  • "At Work in South Chicago" by Luka M. Pejovic from "Srbi u South Chicago" written in 1939
  • "Desanka Maksimovic, renowned and beloved Serbian poetess" by Serb World U.S.A.staff
  • "Recollections of the Uprising" a poem by Desanka Maksimovic, translated by Dorian Cooke
  • "The Beggar" a poem by Desanka Maksimovic, translated by A. Lencaric and J. Lavrin
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Banjaluka Torta"
  • "Memories of Minnesota: Serbian Christmas, St. George, and Others" by Sophie Luzaich
  • "Milan Opacich Presents: Pete Radakovich" a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "The Number Two Christmas" by Milla Zenovich Logan
  • "Letter from Kosovo" by George J. Vuckovich
  • "What to do with the Balkans: Fierce Wars and Fragile Peace 1875-1878" by Philip D. Hart
  • "Families of the Borderland: Between Austrians and Ottomans, 1875" by Serb World U.S.A.staff

SERB WORLD U.S.A. September/October 2000 vol. XVII, no. 1

  • "Daniel, My Brother" by Joe Payne
  • "The Magic Basil" a Serbian folk tale from Vuk Karadzic, adapted by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "Celebrity: Eastern Europeans" by William Jovanovich
  • Chirstmas Gift Ideas, 2000
  • "Letter from Kosovo" by George J. Vuckovich
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Cream Cheese Lika-Style"
  • "Milan Opacich Presents: Danilo Kozarski" a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "'Cultured' Treats of the Balkans" by Michael D. Nicklanovich
  • "Medical Research and Yogurt" by Michael D. Nicklanovich
  • "Arizona Cattle Baron: Pioneer and Lawman, T.D. Casanega" by Mary Nicklanovich Hart
  • "The Arlow Brothers of Cleveland...a daughter's tribute" from Tanya Arlow-Dushaw

SERB WORLD U.S.A. July/August 2000 vol. XVI, no. 6

  • "True West, Last West" by William Jovanovich
  • "Buhach: An Old Country Chrysanthemum" by Michael D. Nicklanovich
  • "A Grand Tour: An American Woman in the Balkans, 1908" by Michael D. Nicklanovich
  • "Serbs of Saint Spiridon: Trieste 1751-1951" by Serb World U.S.A.staff
  • "An Enlightened View of Nationalism" by Professor Ales Hrdlicka
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Old Fashioned Plum Strudel"
  • "Milan Opacich Presents: The Maravich Sisters of Gary" a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "Surviving the Great Depression" by Milan Zec
  • "A Life in Three Centuries: Ljubica Mrvichin Sarenac Bajovich" by Dorothy Pokrajac Pjevich
  • "Letter from Kosovo" by George J. Vuckovich
  • "What to do with the Balkans: Gladstone vs. Disraeli (1870's)" by Philip D. Hart

SERB WORLD U.S.A. May/June 2000 vol. XVI, no. 5

  • "The Protective Veil: a vision from old Constantinople" by Michael D. Nicklanovich
  • "Captains and Merchants of the Sea: a Pastrovictradition" by Serb World U.S.A.staff
  • "William Wirt and Gary's Public Schools" by Michael D. Nicklanovich
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Adriatic Salad"
  • "Letters from Kosovo" by George J. Vuckovich
  • "Along the Adriatic: ancient towns and trade" by Serb World U.S.A.staff
  • "Milan Opacich Presents: SvirajOrchestra" a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "Serbs of South Bend: Great Depression, World War II, Post-War Era" by Steve Mandich
  • "Serbs at Studebaker" by Steve Mandich
  • "South Bend's Serbs Go to College" by Steve Mandich
  • "The Tale of Two Calendars: the Julian and the Gregorian" by Philip D. Hart

SERB WORLD U.S.A. March/April 2000 vol. XVI, no. 4

  • "Serbs of South Bend, Indiana: Part I...Wagons, Wheels, Automobiles" by Steve Mandich
  • "The Guslarin History" by Serb World U.S.A. staff
  • "Honors at Arlington: Eli Popovich Remembered" by Philip D. Hart
  • "The Celebration of Spring: The New Year of the Ancient Serbs" by Serb World U.S.A.staff
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Serbian Easter Bread"
  • "Milan Opacich Presents: The Violin Joins the Tamburitza"a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "Steve Legino of Omaha: 'The man who could make the earth tremble.'" by his son Eli Legino
  • "The Young Nobleman and His Animal Friends" a Serbian folk tale adapted from a collection by Elodie Mijatovich
  • "Frescoes: Medieval Treasures" by George Kosich and Michael D. Nicklanovich
  • "Migrations: The Ottoman Conquest and After" based on the work of Dr. Jovan Cvijic (1920), translated by Serb World U.S.A.

SERB WORLD U.S.A. January/February 2000 vol. XVI, no. 3

  • "Home Again in the Valley of Giants: Cetinje" by George J. Vuckovich
  • "Bato and Basketball—A Star from the North Chicago Neighborhood" by Dr. Dan Pyevich
  • "The Serbs of the Old North Chicago Neighborhood" by Dr. Dan Pyevich
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Old-Fashioned Serbian Stew" by Rose Benes
  • "A Glimpse of Our Past: 'Serbianism in America'" from Brankovo koloin 1903, translated by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "Milan Opacich Presents: Into the New Century with the Popovich Brothers" a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "Back to Those Hills: A Daughter's Memories, Part 2" by Mary Rusnov Abramovich
  • "Jovan Jovanovic 'Zmaj'—Beloved Poet of His People" by Mary Nicklanovich Hart
  • "Grandpa and Grandson...'Uz'o deda svog unuka'" a poem by Jovan Jovanovic-Zmaj, translated by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "The Slavonic Peoples: 'Who are the Slavs? What should we know about them?' " by Robert J. Kerner, 1932.
  • "The Indo-European Family of Languages, a chart tracing the development of most European languages, including Serbo-Croatian"



People Directory

Djordje Stijepovic

Djordje Stijepovic (Serbian: Ђорђе Стијеповић, Đorđe Stijepović, pronounced [d͜ʑô̞ːrd͜ʑe̞ stijě̞ːpo̞ʋit͜ɕ]) is a Serbian-American double bass player, singer and composer. He is best known as bassist for the psychobilly band Tiger Army and for Nickelodeon star Drake Bell. He is also a former member of Lemmy Kilmister's (Motörhead) side project The Head Cat (with Stray Cats' Slim Jim Phantom on drums).

As a bandleader, Stijepovic fronts the rockabilly band Atomic Sunset and performs as a solo artist under his own name. He has also recorded and performed as a guest musician with Tommy Emmanuel, Marco Beltrami, Wanda Jackson, Molotov, Rachel Brice and Beats Antique among others.

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Man and the God-Man

by Archimandrite Justin Popovich

"Father Justin Popovich, pan-orthodox witness to the God-revealed and Christ-given Eternal Truth, whose testimony can be even seen within this collection of his articles - that "the mystery of Truth is not in material things, not in ideas, not in symbols, but in Personhood, namely the Theanthropic Person of the Lord Christ, Who said: I am the Truth (John 14:6), Truth perfect, never diminished, always one and the same in its complete fullness - yesterday, today, and forever (Heb.13:8)."

The treasure to be found in this anthology of neopatristic syntheses consists of: "Perfect God and perfect man" - Nativity Epistle, where Fr Justin boldly exclaim that "man is only a true man when he is completely united with God, only and solely in God is man a man, true man, perfect man, a man in whom all the fullness of Godhead lives."; "The God-man" - The foundation of the Truth of Orthodoxy - Ava Justinian language of love in Christ-centered reflections of Truth; "The Supreme Value and Infallible Criterion"- contemporary philosophical reflections on visible and invisible realities; "Sentenced to Immortality" - a homily on the Resurrection or Our Lord Jesus Christ; "Humanistic and Theanthropic Culture"-criticism of European anti-Christian culture; "Humanistic and Theanthropic Education" - indicative pondering of consequences of education without God.. ; "The Theory of Knowledge of Saint Isaac the Syrian" - Faith, prayer, love, humility, grace and freedom, the purification of the intellect, mystery of knowledge; "A Deer in a Lost Paradise" - Ava's renowned poetic essay, a confession, and deepest longing for all-sweetest Jesus...


415 E Mabel St
Tuscon, AZ 85705-7489
tel: 520 624 4887