A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

A Reflection by Fr. Norman for the Sunday of the Paralytic Man

The miraculous healing at the pool that takes place in the Gospel lesson for the fourth Sunday of Pascha is an example of something that’s been made abundantly CLEAR at this point in the life of God’s people Israel, though it’s not been abundantly ACCEPTED: the Messiah had come as THE FULFILLMENT of the Mosaic Law and the Prophetic teaching: Jesus Himself proclaimed it with those very words during His sermon on the mount.



People Directory

Natalija Nogulich

NATALIJA NOGULICH, newly published author of her debut novel, ONE WOMAN’S WAR, just performed in the season finale of NCIS, followed by an episode of Disney’s KICKIN’ IT. She also recently completed Season One of ABC series, RED WIDOW, as Russian mob wife, Elena Petrova. In March, Natalija appeared in HBO’s biopic, PHIL SPECTOR, as Italian journalist, Giovanetta Ricci; on Disney Channel in WIZARDS OF WAVERLY PLACE REUNION starring Ms. Nogulich as Carmela.

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The Presence of Transcendence

Essays on Facing the Other through Holiness, History and Text

by Bogoljub Sijakovic

The essays collected in this book venture into various domains of philosophy, such as ontology and epistemology, anthropology and ethics, philosophy of history and history of philosophy, philosophy of religion and theory of the mystical, poetics and hermeneutics. The problems here thematized, which are brought to us primarily by the tradition of Hellenism and Christianity as well as life itself, are both traditional and contemporary: self-knowledge and knowledge of God, transcendence and paradoxy, theodicy and anthropodicy, sacrifice, violence, holiness, responsibility, decision-making, evil, guilt, repentance, forgiveness, memory, as well as: wisdom, suffering, good, the other, freedom, fate, history, the Balkans, war, rationality, and also: reading, dialogue, poetry, metaphysic of light.