A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Divine Liturgy at the Heart of Serbian Life

The oldest and the newest Serbian book in North America is the Služebnik (Liturgy book) used lovingly by clergy for the Divine Services. One was published in 1519 in Venice and the other in 2018 in Los Angeles, California.

Тhe Služebnik was printed in Venice in 1519 by Božidar Vuković, a Serb from Montenegro became a renowned printer in Venice. This printed version of the Divine Liturgy was the first printed book in Cyrillic in history. It is of priceless value to Serbian and Slavic heritage and literature. This rare book belonged to the Very Reverend Milutin Tesla (1819–1879) who was the father of Nikola Tesla (1856–1943). When Milutin died his widow, Djuka (nee Mandić) kept the book. After her death, Nikola Tesla took the rare copy to New York with him and had it restored. This rare Book of the Serbian Liturgy is in the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri, in the heartland and physical center of the United States. It was restored by the Truman library in 1977.

“The Sacred and Divine Liturgy оf our Father among the Saints John Chrysostom” was published in 2018 by St. Sebastian Press of the Western American Diocese in English and Serbian, and edited by Bishop Maxim Vasiljević of Western American Diocese.

Although 500 years separate these two publications, their existence witnesses to the fact that the Divine Liturgy continues to be at the heart of Serbian life and culture.



People Directory

Predrag Cicovacki

Professor at the College of the Holy Cross

Research Interests: Kant, Dostoevsky, Schweitzer, Gandhi; Problems of evil and violence; Theories of Values

Special Interests: National Chess Master and honorary member of Alpha Sigma Nu (2004-present)

Predrag Cicovacki is Professor of Philosophy and O'Leary Research Fellow at the College of the Holy Cross (USA). He has been teaching at Holy Cross since 1991. He also served as a visiting professor in Germany, Russia, Luxembourg, Serbia, and France.

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Man and the God-Man

by Archimandrite Justin Popovich

"Father Justin Popovich, pan-orthodox witness to the God-revealed and Christ-given Eternal Truth, whose testimony can be even seen within this collection of his articles - that "the mystery of Truth is not in material things, not in ideas, not in symbols, but in Personhood, namely the Theanthropic Person of the Lord Christ, Who said: I am the Truth (John 14:6), Truth perfect, never diminished, always one and the same in its complete fullness - yesterday, today, and forever (Heb.13:8)."

The treasure to be found in this anthology of neopatristic syntheses consists of: "Perfect God and perfect man" - Nativity Epistle, where Fr Justin boldly exclaim that "man is only a true man when he is completely united with God, only and solely in God is man a man, true man, perfect man, a man in whom all the fullness of Godhead lives."; "The God-man" - The foundation of the Truth of Orthodoxy - Ava Justinian language of love in Christ-centered reflections of Truth; "The Supreme Value and Infallible Criterion"- contemporary philosophical reflections on visible and invisible realities; "Sentenced to Immortality" - a homily on the Resurrection or Our Lord Jesus Christ; "Humanistic and Theanthropic Culture"-criticism of European anti-Christian culture; "Humanistic and Theanthropic Education" - indicative pondering of consequences of education without God.. ; "The Theory of Knowledge of Saint Isaac the Syrian" - Faith, prayer, love, humility, grace and freedom, the purification of the intellect, mystery of knowledge; "A Deer in a Lost Paradise" - Ava's renowned poetic essay, a confession, and deepest longing for all-sweetest Jesus...